الأحد، 15 نوفمبر 2015

وثائق تثبت قيام الرئيس الامريكي بالنصب والاحتيال علي المخترع العربي عفيف ابو رافايل رقم 1

الملفات  السرية ضد اوباما من المخترع العربي عفيف ابو رافايل-رقم 1---ناجي هيكل --
تتصوروا ان مخترع مسيحي لبناني عربي .
.يشكوا لي من رئيس امريكا اوباما الذي نصب عليه ؟؟
المخترعون العرب سقطوا فى بؤرة النصب الأمريكى
هذا الملف يكشف الزيف السياسي لأمريكا.. للكاتب الصحفي ناجي هيكل -مجلة الإذاعة والتليفزيون المصرية:
أناشد الرأي العام العربي بأنني واحد منكم فيجب أن تقفوا مع من عشق تراب العرب ولأنني -عربي  مسيحي ماروني لبناني- وأحمل الجنسية الكندية.. فأؤكد لكم أن الرئيس الأمريكى باراك أوباما نصب عليَّ؟
العالم أشاد بي كعربي أنقذ اقتصاد أمريكا بسد الفجوة التى أصابت أنبوبة النفط وانفجرت فى خليج المكسيك.. وهنا مستندات ووثائق دامغة بأنني صاحب الفكرة بعد أن طلبوها وأرسلتها لهم وإليكم هذه الفضيحة الأمريكية الصنع.. مع أهم ملاحظة: أننى لم أصلح الأغلاط الموجودة فى الرسائل فقط للحفاظ على الرسائل الأساسية
عندما انفجر البئر فى 20نيسان ظننت أن B.B الشركة العملاقة قادرة على الاقل أن تسيطر على الوضع، وخاصة أن B.B كانت تقول ان كمية البترول هى فى حدود 1000 إلى 3000 برميل فى اليوم.
أيضاً ظننت أن  B.B على علم بإختراعى الذى يحمل الاسم التالى:
جهاز لتسكير بسرعة تسرب آبار بترول تحت ضغط
بينما عندما القصة تجاوزت حدود المعقول وكمية البترلال اصبحت في حدود اللامعقول، كنا قد وصلنا الى بداية النصف الثاني من ايار.
عندها فتشت على رقم هاتف ب ب في منطقة الخليخ وحصلت على رقم مكتب لهم في تكساس. اتصلت بهم والجواب كان انهم اعطوني رقم الهاتف التالي  لكي اتصل به
) BP  PHONE NO: 860 319 4260(
انا فكرت ان هذا الرقم هو رقم من ارقام ب ب.
اتصلت وتكلمت مع شخص، وهذا الشخص ارسل لي الايميل التالي ومع هذا الايميل ارسل لي الطلب  المعلق (رقم 1) لكي املأه وارسله لهم على الانترنيت على الرابط التالي:
الموجود في الايميل رقم 1
هذا ما فعلته.
في هذا الايميل يشكروني علي تفتيشي من اجل مساعدتهم. ويطلبوا مني ان املاء الطلب المعلق
وارساله الى العنوان المعلق.
يقولون،هكذا يسمح لنا بسرعة وبفعالية ان نجمع المعلومات من اجل السماح لنا ان نرسل الطلب الى الفريق التقني المختص ان يراجعه.
في اللحظة التي تلي تمحيصنا لمعلوماتك، سوف نتصل بك لأبلاغكم بالنتيجة.
ليكن بمعلومك انه يأتينا الاف الاقتراحات من الجمهور ولهذا يمكن ان تأخذ العملية بعض الوقت قبل ان نعود اليك.
الآن نحن بضدد وضع خطط لتحديد مصدر التلوث ونتائجها.
عندما ترسلون الطلب لايعود لكم حاجة للإتصال بنا ثانية.
اذا امكن ان يكون ايمالكم واضح من اجل ايصال الحل الذي تقترحون.

Sat, May 15, 2010 2:29:45 PM
Horizon Call Center
Horizon Support <Horizonsupport@oegllc.com>
Add to Contacts

Attached files 
Alternative Response Technology Short Form_distributed.pdf (169KB)

Afif Abou-raphael,

Thank you for your inquiry. We appreciate your concern and willingness to help. Please complete the form attached to this email with as much detail as possible, and return it to the email address below.


This will allow us to quickly and accurately collect your information so that we can forward it to the appropriate technical reviewer. Once your information has been analyzed, we will contact you with the result of the review. Please note we are receiving thousands of potential solutions from the public and it may take some time for us to get back with you. We are currently implementing multiple tactics to both control the source of the leak and the resulting spill. Once you return this form, you do not need to contact us again. Please ensure the subject line of your email clearly communicates the solution you are proposing - either source or spill control.
Note: To view the attached form you may need to install Adobe Reader. Please download it from the Adobe website at http://get.adobe.com/reader/

Thank you!

The Horizon Support Team

عبيت الطلب المعلق (رقم 2) وارسلته على الانترنيت حسب التعليمات في الموقع.
 PDF بعدها ارسلت نسخة
الى العنوان من حيث اتاني الطلب. ايضاً ارسلت نسخة الى الرئيس كلينتون الى مكتبته على العنوان الظاهر في الايميل التالي رقم 2

Sat, May 15, 2010 3:30:43 PM
Proposal to stop the spell in the golf from the inventor Afif Abou-Raphael
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact

Horizonsupport@oegllc.com; enews@clintonfoundation.org

Attached files:

For BP. 1. Proposal to stop the spell.pdf (36KB)

To whom it may concern

Attached is the document that was sent to me to fill it up.

I am proposing to you a very simple way to block the oil well will it can be reused after by using a modified example of my patent of the 1982.

For more details please contact me at
613 853 2615


Afif Abou-Raphael


هذه الرسالة التي ارسلتها الى الرئيس اوباما في 23 ايار 2010 على عنوان البيت الابيض
 الموجود على الانترنيت ولم احصل على اي رد لغاية الآن. مع العلم انني قلت له انني لست وراء المال انما وراء مساعدتهم للسيطرة على التلوث كلياً وخلال ساعات. وهذا ما حصل عندما استعملوا فكرتي بعد شهرين من استلامهم لها في 10 ايار 2010

This letter was sent to President Obama on May 23, 2010, through an e-mail provided by the White house on the following Address:
Dear Mr. President
If the oil well's pipe was built originally to receive the device I assure you it wouldn’t take more then a
day to stop the spell. Anyway I have sent BP an e-mail a few days ago telling them that I am willing to
help them to blocking the well very fast with my device, but I didn’t receive any answer yet. By the way
the cost is very cheap, I mean a few thousands, and I am willing to do it if you wish without any
remuneration, even I am welling to tell my idea to the engineers on the phone. Why not, consider me a crazy man let somebody talk to me and I will explain to him how to do it and you will see that it will stop the spell fast and completely, then the same well will be re-used without any problem.
Afif Abou-Raphael
613 853 2615

ه لتي ارسلتها الى دكتور بي بعد ان اتصلت به على رقمه (9256311587)ذه الرسالة ا
 الذي حصلت عليه على الانترنيت. لقد تركت له على الانسر مشين ملخص عن فكرتي وما اريد ان اعمل من اجل السيطرة على البئر. ايضاً اتصلت به ثانية وتكلمت معه لحوالي 3 دقائق لكنه كان مستعجل الى موعد بخصوص حادث ب ب.
فاتورة هاتفي تظهر اتصالاتي بدكتور بي الملف المعلق رقم (3)
 كيف دكتور بي يقدر ان يقول انه حصل على رسم من مجهول عندما حصل على الرسم مع الايميل التالي.
الرسم الذي ارسلته الى دكتور بي موجود في الملف المعلق رقم (4) 
Sat, May 29, 2010 11:16:07 AM
From Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael. about Oil spell in the golf of Mexico (BP)
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact
"bea@ce.berkeley.edu" <bea@ce.berkeley.edu>

Attached files:

OIl well's plug. (Golf of Mexico.JPG (43KB)  View Image  

Good morning Dr. Bea
I read in a paper that you are interested in oil drilling and lately you said that what BP is doing to kill the well does not look promising.
For that I have called you and left a message for you, telling you that I am an inventor for a plug for oil wells here is it link to the Canadian Patent Office
It is in French, but if we can speak on the phone I can explain anything you would like to ask for.
This device is not more than another pipe that can be introduced easily in the well's pipe at ground level:
1-    The pipe has an upper part that stays outside of the ground, because the lower part can be as long as we need,
2-    The upper part has enough valves (in number or size) that let oil pass through it during the installation,
3-    The lower part has on the outside kind of hydraulic cylinders capable to compress seals at many levels, where first the steel seals can go in the
Oilwell’s pipe to strengthen the plug with the oil well’s pipe,
4-    When the plug is affixed, then we action the cupper, rubber seals or else to seal between the two pipes.
5-    When this is done then we start closing the outside vales, where when this is done, the pipe can be reused normally.
6-    This plug can be ready to be used in future drillings if any thing similar happens.
I have a colored drawing But I couldn't send it with this e-mail,
Please send me if you wish an e-mail address that can take attachments
Afif Abou-Raphael
Cell. 613 853 2615

1 Image | View Image | Download Selected

  OIl well's plug. (Golf of Mexico.JPG


هذا الجواب جائني من خفر السواحل يشكروني فيه على فكرتي ويطلبون مبي ارسال المزيد من
 التفاصيل الى مركز البحوث والطبيق في خفر السواحل
Coast Guard Research and Development Center
من اجل ان يكملوا النظر على فكرتي  

Fri, June 4, 2010 4:13:37 PM
USCG RDC Deepwater Horizon Technical Response
CGRDCDeepWaterHorizon <CGRDCDeepWaterHorizon@uscg.mil>
View Contact

Good Afternoon Mr. Abou-Raphael,

Thank you for contacting the Coast Guard Research and Development Center about your idea for the Deepwater Horizon Response effort. In order for the Coast Guard Research and Development Center to continue to review your idea, we are requesting that you submit more information via our Broad Agency Announcement HSCG32-10-R-R00019.

The submission must be made electronically at the following link:


If you have any contractual or technical questions regarding this process, please submit them to

Informational questions and associated answers (FAQs) will be periodically posted at http://homeport.uscg.mil/RDC-BAA-DHR-FAQ

Your submission status can be tracked by entering your BAA tracking number at

We look forward to receiving more information about your idea.

Thank You,
M. J. Sisson, Captain, USCG
Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Research and Development Center

نزولاً عند رغبة مركز البحوث والتطبيق في خفر السواحل ارسلت لهم تفاصيل كاملة عن
 مكونات الفكرة، ايضاً تفاصيل كاملة عن كيفية تركيب السدة. وقلت لهم ان القصة سهلة للغاية كما تظهر. وقلت لهم انني على استعداد لإرسال المزيد اذا ارادوا. الصورة في الملف المعلق رقم (5)

Coast Guard Research and Development Center
Fri, June 4, 2010 6:39:01 PM
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact

Attached files:


Good evening
Regardless of the hard efforts I had done to arrive to you, I can tell you that I am very pleased to send you my idea to completely kill the spell in the golf of Mexico .
First of all I would like to tell you that I am the inventor of the following invention since 1982: it is called
That can be used in future drilling and
Can be used in the present situation after having minor changes in the lower section that will allow it to pug the present well
It is in French, but if we can speak on the phone I can explain anything you would like to ask for.
This device is not more than another pipe that can be introduced easily in the well's pipe at ocean ground level.
1-    The pipe has an upper part that stays outside of the ground, because the lower part can be as long as we need according to the straight distance available for us in this situation.
2-    The upper part is wide enough and it has enough valves (in number or size) that let oil pass easily through it during the installation,
3-    The lower part has on the outside, kind of hydraulic cylinders capable to compress seals at many levels from bottom up, where first steel seals can go in the oil well pipe’s metal to strengthen the plug with the oil well’s pipe,
4-    When the plug is affixed to the well’s pipe while oil is flowing out of the well through the open valves, then we action other hydraulic cylinders from up down made out of cupper, rubber or else to seal between the the oil well’s pipe and the newly introduced device.
5-    When this is done then we start closing the outside vales one by one while controlling the pressure, until the last valve that will stop the spell completely.
But, if we see during the valves’ closing that we arrive to a point where we can’t continue to close more valves, then we connect these closed valves to tankers waiting on the surface then after we open one of the closed valves while closing more valves that are still flowing oil in the ocean until we have a complete control over the spell.
See please the attached drawing  
OIl well’s pipe 11
Plug’s lower part 11
Plug’s upper part 14
Control valves 13
Puge’s guiding end 10
Step one:
1-         The device will be attached to a heavy weight 16, and suspended from the heavy weight through the attaches 15 that will help to keep it in place where we need it to be during the installation process.
2-                  After preparing the oil well’s opening, we introduce the plug’s lower part 12 into the well’s pipe 11 guided by the plug’s guiding end 10.
3-                  After introducing the device to the needed depth, and after leaving all the valves 13 open.
4-                  We action the hydraulic cylinder 1 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part that compresses the steel seal 3 against a stopper 2. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 4 and the seal 6 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.
5-                  We action the hydraulic cylinder 4 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part too that compresses the steel seal 6 against a stopper 5. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 1 and the seal 3 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.
6-                  We action the hydraulic cylinder 7 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part too that compresses the steel seal 9 against a stopper 8. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 1 and the seal 3 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.
7-                  The number of steel and copper seal can be as needed in order to provide a good hold and sealing situation to the leak between the plug and the oil well’s pipe.
8-                  Once this is done, we start closing the valves 13 one by one while controlling the situation.
It looks easy and I can assure you that it is very easy done because of the robots and the equipments BP has on site.
Best regards
Afif Abou_raphael
613 853 2615
Note; What I am sending you is a quick explanation, but if you wish more details please don’t hesitate to contact me.

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في نفس اليوم 4 حزيران ارسلت لهم صورة محسنة تظهر السيلندرات الهيدروليك التي
 تمكّن السدة من انبوب البئر مع التفاصيل التي ارسلتها سابقاً. الملف المعلق رقم (6)
Fri, June 4, 2010 10:30:40 PM
Fw: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL with a better drawing
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact

Attached files 

This drawing shows the outside pistons of the plug.

--- On Fri, 6/4/10, Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> wrote:

From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil
Received: Friday, June 4, 2010, 7:39 PM
Good evening
Regardless of the hard efforts I had done to arrive to you, I can tell you that I am very pleased to send you my idea to completely kill the spell in the golf of Mexico .
First of all I would like to tell you that I am the inventor of the following invention since 1982: it is called
That can be used in future drilling and
Can be used in the present situation after having minor changes in the lower section that will allow it to pug the present well
It is in French, but if we can speak on the phone I can explain anything you would like to ask for.
This device is not more than another pipe that can be introduced easily in the well's pipe at ocean ground level.
1-    The pipe has an upper part that stays outside of the ground, because the lower part can be as long as we need according to the straight distance available for us in this situation.
2-    The upper part is wide enough and it has enough valves (in number or size) that let oil pass easily through it during the installation,
3-    The lower part has on the outside, kind of hydraulic cylinders capable to compress seals at many levels from bottom up, where first steel seals can go in the oil well pipe’s metal to strengthen the plug with the oil well’s pipe,
4-    When the plug is affixed to the well’s pipe while oil is flowing out of the well through the open valves, then we action other hydraulic cylinders from up down made out of cupper, rubber or else to seal between the the oil well’s pipe and the newly introduced device.
5-    When this is done then we start closing the outside vales one by one while controlling the pressure, until the last valve that will stop the spell completely.
But, if we see during the valves’ closing that we arrive to a point where we can’t continue to close more valves, then we connect these closed valves to tankers waiting on the surface then after we open one of the closed valves while closing more valves that are still flowing oil in the ocean until we have a complete control over the spell.
See please the attached drawing  
OIl well’s pipe 11
Plug’s lower part 11
Plug’s upper part 14
Control valves 13
Puge’s guiding end 10
Step one:
1-         The device will be attached to a heavy weight 16, and suspended from the heavy weight through the attaches 15 that will help to keep it in place where we need it to be during the installation process.
2-                  After preparing the oil well’s opening, we introduce the plug’s lower part 12 into the well’s pipe 11 guided by the plug’s guiding end 10.
3-                  After introducing the device to the needed depth, and after leaving all the valves 13 open.
4-                  We action the hydraulic cylinder 1 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part that compresses the steel seal 3 against a stopper 2. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 4 and the seal 6 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.
5-                  We action the hydraulic cylinder 4 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part too that compresses the steel seal 6 against a stopper 5. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 1 and the seal 3 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.
6-                  We action the hydraulic cylinder 7 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part too that compresses the steel seal 9 against a stopper 8. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 1 and the seal 3 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.
7-                  The number of steel and copper seal can be as needed in order to provide a good hold and sealing situation to the leak between the plug and the oil well’s pipe.
8-                  Once this is done, we start closing the valves 13 one by one while controlling the situation.
It looks easy and I can assure you that it is very easy done because of the robots and the equipments BP has on site.
Best regards
Afif Abou_raphael
613 853 2615
Note; What I am sending you is a quick explanation, but if you wish more details please don’t hesitate to contact me.

في اليوم التالي اي في 5 حزيران ارسلت لهم تحسين ثاني مع رسم وشرح لعدة حالات واخذت
 صور عن الانترنيت ووضعت عليها السدة للمزيد انظر الملف المعلق رقم (7).
لقد قلت لهم اذا اردتم حل جزري ارسلوا لي الوضع الحالي، ضغط البترول الخارج وصورة عن راس البئر.
ايضاً قلت لهم: من اجل حل المشكلة كلياً يجب ان نقبل الوضع مع كمية بترول اكبرتخرج الى المحيط لبضع ساعات وهكذا نكون قد اخذنا القرار الصائب من اجل اقفال البئر الى الابد.
هذه القرارات عملوا بها كلياً عندما قرروا ان يستعملوا فكرتي في تموز
Sat, June 5, 2010 5:13:37 PM
Upgraging my offer Fw: USCG RDC Deepwater Horizon Technical Response
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact

Attached files:

Sent to the Coast Guard U.S.A. Upgrading.doc (704KB)

If you need more details please let me know. And if you want a clear-cut solution please send me the situation as pressure and pictures of the well head.
Note: In order to solve the problem completely, we must accept the situation with more flow in the ocean for a few hours if no escape of it that can be a good decision to stop the spell for ever.
The following was sent to you yesterday
Good evening
Regardless of the hard efforts I had done to arrive to you, I can tell you that I am very pleased to send you my idea to completely kill the spell in the golf of Mexico .
First of all I would like to tell you that I am the inventor of the following invention since 1982: it is called
That can be used in future drilling and
Can be used in the present situation after having minor changes in the lower section that will allow it to pug the present well
It is in French, but if we can speak on the phone I can explain anything you would like to ask for.
This device is not more than another pipe that can be introduced easily in the well's pipe at ocean ground level.
1-    The pipe has an upper part that stays outside of the ground, because the lower part can be as long as we need according to the straight distance available for us in this situation.
2-    The upper part is wide enough and it has enough valves (in number or size) that let oil pass easily through it during the installation,
3-    The lower part has on the outside, kind of hydraulic cylinders capable to compress seals at many levels from bottom up, where first steel seals can go in the oil well pipe’s metal to strengthen the plug with the oil well’s pipe,
4-    When the plug is affixed to the well’s pipe while oil is flowing out of the well through the open valves, then we action other hydraulic cylinders from up down made out of cupper, rubber or else to seal between the the oil well’s pipe and the newly introduced device.
5-    When this is done then we start closing the outside vales one by one while controlling the pressure, until the last valve that will stop the spell completely.
But, if we see during the valves’ closing that we arrive to a point where we can’t continue to close more valves, then we connect these closed valves to tankers waiting on the surface then after we open one of the closed valves while closing more valves that are still flowing oil in the ocean until we have a complete control over the spell.
See please the attached drawing  
OIl well’s pipe 11
Plug’s lower part 11
Plug’s upper part 14
Control valves 13
Puge’s guiding end 10
Step one:
1-            The device will be attached to a heavy weight 16, and suspended from the heavy weight through the attaches 15 that will help to keep it in place where we need it to be during the installation process.
2-                   After preparing the oil well’s opening, we introduce the plug’s lower part 12 into the well’s pipe 11 guided by the plug’s guiding end 10.
3-                   After introducing the device to the needed depth, and after leaving all the valves 13 open.
4-                   We action the hydraulic cylinder 1 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part that compresses the steel seal 3 against a stopper 2. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 4 and the seal 6 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.
5-                   We action the hydraulic cylinder 4 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part too that compresses the steel seal 6 against a stopper 5. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 1 and the seal 3 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.
6-                   We action the hydraulic cylinder 7 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part too that compresses the steel seal 9 against a stopper 8. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 1 and the seal 3 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.
7-                   The number of steel and copper seal can be as needed in order to provide a good hold and sealing situation to the leak between the plug and the oil well’s pipe.
8-                   Once this is done, we start closing the valves 13 one by one while controlling the situation.
It looks easy and I can assure you that it is very easy done because of the robots and the equipments BP has on site.
Best regards
Afif Abou_raphael
613 853 2615
Note; What I am sending you is a quick explanation, but if you wish more details please don’t hesitate to contact me.  

9-                بعد ان ارسلت لهم الرسمات وكل الشرح عن صناعة الفكرة وكيفية تركيبها على فوهة البئر، ارسلو لي هذا الايميل ومعه ملف معلق رقم (8) ويقول هذا الملف اشياء لاتلم الى ما طلبوه مني والى التفسيرات التقنية التي ارسلتها لهم. هذا يبرهن انهم حصلوا على المعلومت الاساسية وهذا كل ما يطلبونه بدون الاعتراف بالجميل وهذا ما حصل لاحقاً بعدما استعملوا فكرتي ونكروا الجميل.
 هذا كان الجواب على ايميلي بتاريخ
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 7:39 PM
Tue, June 8, 2010 7:58:26 AM
View Contact

Attached files:

1_Resubmit as White Paper under BAA.doc (56KB)

Please review attached response.

/s/Contracting Officer
USCG R&D Center

-----Original Message-----
From: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca [mailto:afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca]
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 7:39 PM

Good evening


Regardless of the hard efforts I had done to arrive to you, I can tell you that I am very pleased to send you my idea to completely kill the spell in the golf of Mexico.

First of all I would like to tell you that I am the inventor of the following invention since 1982: it is called


http://brevets-patents.ic.gc.ca/opic-cipo/cpd/eng/patent/1117864/summary.html <http://brevets-patents.ic.gc.ca/opic-cipo/cpd/eng/patent/1117864/summary.html

That can be used in future drilling and

Can be used in the present situation after having minor changes in the lower section that will allow it to pug the present well


It is in French, but if we can speak on the phone I can explain anything you would like to ask for.


This device is not more than another pipe that can be introduced easily in the well's pipe at ocean ground level.


1-    The pipe has an upper part that stays outside of the ground, because the lower part can be as long as we need according to the straight distance available for us in this situation.

2-    The upper part is wide enough and it has enough valves (in number or size) that let oil pass easily through it during the installation,

3-    The lower part has on the outside, kind of hydraulic cylinders capable to compress seals at many levels from bottom up, where first steel seals can go in the oil well pipe’s metal to strengthen the plug with the oil well’s pipe,

4-    When the plug is affixed to the well’s pipe while oil is flowing out of the well through the open valves, then we action other hydraulic cylinders from up down made out of cupper, rubber or else to seal between the the oil well’s pipe and the newly introduced device.

5-    When this is done then we start closing the outside vales one by one while controlling the pressure, until the last valve that will stop the spell completely.

But, if we see during the valves’ closing that we arrive to a point where we can’t continue to close more valves, then we connect these closed valves to tankers waiting on the surface then after we open one of the closed valves while closing more valves that are still flowing oil in the ocean until we have a complete control over the spell.

See please the attached drawing 


OIl well’s pipe 11

Plug’s lower part 11

Plug’s upper part 14

Control valves 13

Puge’s guiding end 10

Step one:

1-        The device will be attached to a heavy weight 16, and suspended from the heavy weight through the attaches 15 that will help to keep it in place where we need it to be during the installation process.

2-                  After preparing the oil well’s opening, we introduce the plug’s lower part 12 into the well’s pipe 11 guided by the plug’s guiding end 10.

3-                  After introducing the device to the needed depth, and after leaving all the valves 13 open.

4-                  We action the hydraulic cylinder 1 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part that compresses the steel seal 3 against a stopper 2. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 4 and the seal 6 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.

5-                  We action the hydraulic cylinder 4 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part too that compresses the steel seal 6 against a stopper 5. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 1 and the seal 3 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.

6-                  We action the hydraulic cylinder 7 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part too that compresses the steel seal 9 against a stopper 8. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 1 and the seal 3 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.

7-                  The number of steel and copper seal can be as needed in order to provide a good hold and sealing situation to the leak between the plug and the oil well’s pipe.

8-                  Once this is done, we start closing the valves 13 one by one while controlling the situation.

It looks easy and I can assure you that it is very easy done because of the robots and the equipments BP has on site.

Best regards

Afif Abou_raphael

613 853 2615

Note; What I am sending you is a quick explanation, but if you wish more details please don’t hesitate to contact me.

10-          بعد ان ارسلت لهم الرسمات وكل الشرح عن صناعة الفكرة وكيفية تركيبها على فوهة البئر، ارسلو لي هذا الايميل ومعه ملف معلق رقم (8) ويقول هذا الملف اشياء لاتلم الى ما طلبوه مني والى التفسيرات التقنية التي ارسلتها لهم. هذا يبرهن انهم حصلوا على المعلومت الاساسية وهذا كل ما يطلبونه بدون الاعتراف بالجميل وهذا ما حصل لاحقاً بعدما استعملوا فكرتي ونكروا الجميل.
 هذا كان الجواب على ايميلي بتاريخ
Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2010 6:14 PM

Tue, June 8, 2010 12:22:05 PM
RE: Upgraging my offer Fw: USCG RDC Deepwater Horizon Technical Response
View Contact

Attached files 
1_Resubmit as White Paper under BAA.doc (57KB)

Please review attached response.

/s/Contracting Officer
USCG R&D Center

-----Original Message-----
From: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca [mailto:afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca]
Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2010 6:14 PM
Subject: Upgraging my offer Fw: USCG RDC Deepwater Horizon Technical Response

If you need more details please let me know. And if you want a clear-cut solution please send me the situation as pressure and pictures of the well head.

Note: In order to solve the problem completely, we must accept the situation with more flow in the ocean for a few hours if no escape of it that can be a good decision to stop the spell for ever.

The following was sent to you yesterday

Good evening


Regardless of the hard efforts I had done to arrive to you, I can tell you that I am very pleased to send you my idea to completely kill the spell in the golf of Mexico.

First of all I would like to tell you that I am the inventor of the following invention since 1982: it is called


http://brevets-patents.ic.gc.ca/opic-cipo/cpd/eng/patent/1117864/summary.html <http://brevets-patents.ic.gc.ca/opic-cipo/cpd/eng/patent/1117864/summary.html

That can be used in future drilling and


Can be used in the present situation after having minor changes in the lower section that will allow it to pug the present well


It is in French, but if we can speak on the phone I can explain anything you would like to ask for.


This device is not more than another pipe that can be introduced easily in the well's pipe at ocean ground level.


1-    The pipe has an upper part that stays outside of the ground, because the lower part can be as long as we need according to the straight distance available for us in this situation.

2-    The upper part is wide enough and it has enough valves (in number or size) that let oil pass easily through it during the installation,

3-    The lower part has on the outside, kind of hydraulic cylinders capable to compress seals at many levels from bottom up, where first steel seals can go in the oil well pipe’s metal to strengthen the plug with the oil well’s pipe,

4-    When the plug is affixed to the well’s pipe while oil is flowing out of the well through the open valves, then we action other hydraulic cylinders from up down made out of cupper, rubber or else to seal between the the oil well’s pipe and the newly introduced device.

5-    When this is done then we start closing the outside vales one by one while controlling the pressure, until the last valve that will stop the spell completely.

But, if we see during the valves’ closing that we arrive to a point where we can’t continue to close more valves, then we connect these closed valves to tankers waiting on the surface then after we open one of the closed valves while closing more valves that are still flowing oil in the ocean until we have a complete control over the spell.

See please the attached drawing 


OIl well’s pipe 11

Plug’s lower part 11

Plug’s upper part 14

Control valves 13

Puge’s guiding end 10

Step one:

1-            The device will be attached to a heavy weight 16, and suspended from the heavy weight through the attaches 15 that will help to keep it in place where we need it to be during the installation process.

2-                  After preparing the oil well’s opening, we introduce the plug’s lower part 12 into the well’s pipe 11 guided by the plug’s guiding end 10.

3-                  After introducing the device to the needed depth, and after leaving all the valves 13 open.

4-                  We action the hydraulic cylinder 1 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part that compresses the steel seal 3 against a stopper 2. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 4 and the seal 6 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.

5-                  We action the hydraulic cylinder 4 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part too that compresses the steel seal 6 against a stopper 5. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 1 and the seal 3 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.

6-                  We action the hydraulic cylinder 7 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part too that compresses the steel seal 9 against a stopper 8. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 1 and the seal 3 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.

7-                  The number of steel and copper seal can be as needed in order to provide a good hold and sealing situation to the leak between the plug and the oil well’s pipe.

8-                  Once this is done, we start closing the valves 13 one by one while controlling the situation.

It looks easy and I can assure you that it is very easy done because of the robots and the equipments BP has on site.

Best regards

Afif Abou_raphael

613 853 2615

Note; What I am sending you is a quick explanation, but if you wish more details please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Research Opportunity Number

Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) HSCG32-10-R-R00019

Amendment 0001


United States Coast Guard (USCG)

Research and Development Center (RDC)

1 Chelsea Street

New London, CT  06320

Research Opportunity Title

Deepwater Horizon Response

Program Name

Interagency Alternative Technology Assessment Program (IATAP)


The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90) and applicable Federal legislation and regulations provide the USCG with broad responsibilities and authorities regarding oil spill response oversight on the navigable waters of the United States. Included are responsibilities and authorities to conduct, in coordination with other Federal agencies, research on innovative oil spill technology. In accordance with these responsibilities and authorities and in light of the numerous offers of innovative technology assistance to the response effort associated with the recent Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the United States Coast Guard Research and Development Center (USCG RDC), at the request of the Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC) and the National Incident Commander (NIC), has issued this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the purpose of organizing the collection and enhancing the Deepwater Horizon Response Team assessment of the technology assistance offers.

This announcement constitutes a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) issued under the provisions of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Subparts 6.102(d)(2) and 35.016, to provide for the submission of White Papers (written description of the idea) in support of the Deepwater Horizon Response under the following five technology gap areas:

1.    Oil Sensing Improvements to Response and Detection

(For example, tactical oil sensing, surface oil tracking and reporting, submerged oil detection, submerged oil tracking and reporting, etc.)

2.    Oil Wellhead Control and Submerged Oil Response

(For example, wellhead spill control, wellhead shutoff measures, submerged oil collection, submerged oil treatment, etc.)

3.    Traditional Oil Spill Response Technologies

(For example, booms, skimmers, surface collections techniques, absorbents, near- and on-shore response, innovative applications not commonly used for oil spill response, disposal, etc.)

4.    Alternative Oil Spill Response Technologies

(For example, In-situ burn, alternative chemical treatments, innovative applications not commonly used for oil response, etc.)

5.    Oil Spill Damage Assessment and Restoration

(For example, damage assessment techniques, tracking surface restoration technologies and submerged restoration technologies, etc.)

Paper copies of this announcement will not be issued.  Offerors shall respond to this BAA by electronically submitting a White Paper at http://homeport.uscg.mil/RDC-BAA-DHR. All contractual and technical questions regarding this BAA must be in writing and sent to RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil <mailto:RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil> .  Informational questions and associated answers (i.e. FAQs) will be periodically posted at http://homeport.uscg.mil/RDC-BAA-DHR-FAQ.

White Papers shall provide technology ideas/solutions to support the five technology gap areas identified above.  Offerors are hereby notified that it is highly likely that White Papers may be shared with several different Government agencies and other interested parties (which may include contractors) for review and consideration. 


The White Paper, except the page with the ROM, is to contain the offeror’s copyright notice with the following license: The Government is granted a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license in this White Paper to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, by and on behalf of the Government.

In the alternative, the offeror may choose to make the White Paper non-proprietary and mark it accordingly.  However, more restrictive markings than that set forth above are not acceptable as this White Paper is to be broadly distributed, given the numerous parties (Government and private) that are engaged in the Deepwater Horizon Response effort.

Absent any proprietary marking, the White Paper will be presumed to be non-proprietary exclusive of the ROM.

All White Papers submitted under this BAA must be UNCLASSIFIED. 

Submission under this BAA does not grant the offeror any waiver to any Federal, State, or Local laws or Agency regulations. 

All submitted White Papers meeting the requirements of this BAA will be reviewed and evaluated as they are received.  Each White Paper will undergo an initial screening.  The initial screening will result in a determination that either (1) the White Paper has a potential for immediate benefit to the spill response effort, (2) the White Paper submission needs more detailed investigation or evaluation and will be forwarded to the appropriate Government Agency overseeing that portion of the Deepwater Horizon Response (EPA, MMS, NOAA, or USCG), or (3) the White Paper submission does not support this incident.  A Contracting Officer will provide a response to all properly submitted White papers identifying the initial screening determination. 

With regard to Item (1), if it is determined that the White Paper has a potential for immediate benefit to the spill response effort, the White Paper will be forwarded to the Deepwater Horizon Response Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC) for further action under its authority.  Further action may include contract actions by the responsible party (i.e. non-Governmental entity) or other federal agencies.  Other parties are to contact the offeror directly should they desire a ROM regarding their oil spill recovery efforts.  Parties other than the Coast Guard may use different evaluation criteria.

With regard to Item (2) above, if it is determined that the White Paper submission needs more detailed investigation or evaluation and it is forwarded to the appropriate Government Agency overseeing that portion of the Deepwater Horizon Response (EPA, MMS, NOAA, or USCG), that Agency will be responsible for any further action.  The Agency may request additional information including a request for proposal.  Offerors shall comply with the respective agencies’ rules and regulations.

ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION:  This BAA is open to all responsible sources.  All Offerors are invited to submit White Papers.  Offerors may include single entities or teams from academia, private sector organizations, Government laboratories and Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDC).  The Government encourages non-profit organizations, educational/academic institutions, Small Businesses (SB), Small Disadvantaged Businesses (SDB), Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)/Minority Institutions (MI), Women-Owned Businesses (WB) , and Historically Underutilized Business Zone enterprises (HUBZONE) as well as Large Businesses and Government Laboratories to submit White Papers for consideration and/or to join others in submitting White Papers; however, no portion of this BAA will be set aside for these special entities pursuant to FAR 19.502-2, due to the impracticality of reserving discrete or severable areas of research and development in any specific requirement area. 

AWARD INFORMATION:  White Papers will be accepted from offerors for one year from the initial FedBizOpps posting of this BAA unless amended by the Government. 

The USCG RDC with input from other Government Agencies reserves the right to select all, some, or none of the white papers received in response to this announcement. Offerors are hereby notified that there is no guarantee of award of a contract.  The consideration for the limited rights granted to the government for each White Paper will be the distribution to other parties involved in the Deepwater Horizon Response effort; no payment will be made for the grant of such rights.


The submitted White Papers shall be formatted to fit on 8.5 x 11-inch paper, single sided, double spaced with a font no smaller than 12 pitch with one-inch margins on left/right/top/bottom. The White Paper must be submitted in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or Adobe Acrobat pdf format.  Zip files or other application formats are not acceptable.  Any graphic images inserted into the document should be in a file format such as GIF/JPEG that will minimize the file size and support clear display and document printing.  White Papers shall be no longer than three pages.  No separate attachments or media of any form will be accepted.

The White Paper content shall include the following:

Title Page:  The Title Page shall include necessary contractual information such as:  BAA Technology Gap Area Addressed (one of the five identified in this BAA), Name and Address of the Offeror (and any teaming/subcontractor partners), Contracting and Technical Points of Contact (names, mailing addresses, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers.  The title page and the ROM page will not be included in the total page count of the White Paper.

SECTION A: Technical Approach:

Describe the proposed solution relative to the defined technology gap area. Focus content on the underlying technology that supports the solution and describe how the solution will benefit the identified gap area.  Focus content on the operational and logistical requirements that are needed to obtain and deploy this particular solution including quantity, availability and scalability of the solution. Content should include any previous testing and evaluation data that validates success of this technical approach, if available.

SECTION B:  Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) Cost:

The ROM shall consist of the offeror’s best guess of the anticipated cost of the total effort for a stated unit (e.g. $/square mile, $/linear ft., $/task, etc.)

WHITE PAPER SCREENING:  Individual White Papers will be screened solely against the evaluation criteria set forth in this announcement and without regard to other White Papers submitted under this BAA.  The screening of the three-page White Paper against the evaluation criteria is restricted to the content of the White Paper and will not include the evaluation of embedded links, videos, etc.  No other evaluation criteria will be used in selecting White Papers for further consideration.  Screening of White Papers will be accomplished through a peer or scientific review of the Offeror’s proposed approach using the following criteria: 

1.    Overall Scientific and Technical Merit

The proposed solution presents a sound technical approach which demonstrates the effectiveness (through validated test data if available), reasonableness, responsiveness of the solution and an understanding of the Deepwater Horizon Response efforts. 

2.    Feasibility

The proposed solution is feasible and demonstrates the benefit to the Deepwater Horizon Spill Response efforts

3.    Availability of Proposed Solution

The proposed solution demonstrates the degree to which it can be applied directly to the immediate Deepwater Horizon Response efforts

4.    Rough order of Magnitude (ROM) Cost

The ROM Cost is appropriate for the proposed benefit of the solution.

Criteria 1 through 3 are of equal importance and more important than Criterion 4.

11-          بعد ان ارسلت لهم الرسمات وكل الشرح عن صناعة الفكرة وكيفية تركيبها على فوهة البئر، ارسلو لي هذا الايميل ومعه ملف معلق رقم (8) ويقول هذا الملف اشياء لاتلم الى ما طلبوه مني والى التفسيرات التقنية التي ارسلتها لهم. هذا يبرهن انهم حصلوا على المعلومت الاساسية وهذا كل ما يطلبونه بدون الاعتراف بالجميل وهذا ما حصل لاحقاً بعدما استعملوا فكرتي ونكروا الجميل.
 هذا كان الجواب على ايميلي بتاريخ
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 11:31 PM

Tue, June 8, 2010 12:22:49 PM
RE: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL with a better drawing
View Contact

1_Resubmit as White Paper under BAA.doc (57KB)

Please review attached response.

/s/Contracting Officer
USCG R&D Center

-----Original Message-----
From: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca [mailto:afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca]
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 11:31 PM
Subject: Fw: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL with a better drawing

This drawing shows the outside pistons of the plug.

--- On Fri, 6/4/10, Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> wrote:

    From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
    To: RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil
    Received: Friday, June 4, 2010, 7:39 PM
Good evening


Regardless of the hard efforts I had done to arrive to you, I can tell you that I am very pleased to send you my idea to completely kill the spell in the golf of Mexico .


First of all I would like to tell you that I am the inventor of the following invention since 1982: it is called




http://brevets-patents.ic.gc.ca/opic-cipo/cpd/eng/patent/1117864/summary.html <http://brevets-patents.ic.gc.ca/opic-cipo/cpd/eng/patent/1117864/summary.html


That can be used in future drilling and


Can be used in the present situation after having minor changes in the lower section that will allow it to pug the present well


It is in French, but if we can speak on the phone I can explain anything you would like to ask for.


This device is not more than another pipe that can be introduced easily in the well's pipe at ocean ground level.


1-    The pipe has an upper part that stays outside of the ground, because the lower part can be as long as we need according to the straight distance available for us in this situation.

2-    The upper part is wide enough and it has enough valves (in number or size) that let oil pass easily through it during the installation,

3-    The lower part has on the outside, kind of hydraulic cylinders capable to compress seals at many levels from bottom up, where first steel seals can go in the oil well pipe’s metal to strengthen the plug with the oil well’s pipe,

4-    When the plug is affixed to the well’s pipe while oil is flowing out of the well through the open valves, then we action other hydraulic cylinders from up down made out of cupper, rubber or else to seal between the the oil well’s pipe and the newly introduced device.

5-    When this is done then we start closing the outside vales one by one while controlling the pressure, until the last valve that will stop the spell completely.


But, if we see during the valves’ closing that we arrive to a point where we can’t continue to close more valves, then we connect these closed valves to tankers waiting on the surface then after we open one of the closed valves while closing more valves that are still flowing oil in the ocean until we have a complete control over the spell.


See please the attached drawing 




OIl well’s pipe 11

Plug’s lower part 11

Plug’s upper part 14

Control valves 13

Puge’s guiding end 10


Step one:


1-        The device will be attached to a heavy weight 16, and suspended from the heavy weight through the attaches 15 that will help to keep it in place where we need it to be during the installation process.


2-                  After preparing the oil well’s opening, we introduce the plug’s lower part 12 into the well’s pipe 11 guided by the plug’s guiding end 10.

3-                  After introducing the device to the needed depth, and after leaving all the valves 13 open.

4-                  We action the hydraulic cylinder 1 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part that compresses the steel seal 3 against a stopper 2. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 4 and the seal 6 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.

5-                  We action the hydraulic cylinder 4 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part too that compresses the steel seal 6 against a stopper 5. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 1 and the seal 3 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.

6-                  We action the hydraulic cylinder 7 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part too that compresses the steel seal 9 against a stopper 8. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 1 and the seal 3 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.

7-                  The number of steel and copper seal can be as needed in order to provide a good hold and sealing situation to the leak between the plug and the oil well’s pipe.

8-                  Once this is done, we start closing the valves 13 one by one while controlling the situation.


It looks easy and I can assure you that it is very easy done because of the robots and the equipments BP has on site.


Best regards


Afif Abou_raphael

613 853 2615


Note; What I am sending you is a quick explanation, but if you wish more details please don’t hesitate to contact me.

12-          بعد ان ارسلت لهم واستلموا الرسمات والشرح التفصيلي عن السدة ،عاودوا وطلبوا ان ارسل الملف الى عنوان ارسلوه في ايميلهم الأخير. حاولت ولكن حصلت على (رصد دخول غير مسموح).
ليكن العلم معكم انني لا اريد من كل هذا سوى مساعدتكم للتغلب على كارثة البترول في خليج المكسيك حيث انكم تحاولون ان تحلّوا المشكل.
اني اطلب من حضرتكم ان ترسلوها الى حيث اردتوا مني ان ارسلها.
ملاحظة: لقد تذرعوا بهذا الطلب حتى ولو كانوا قد حصلوا على كل المعلومات، وفكروا ان بمقدورهم ان ينجحوا بكذبهم انهم لم يستعملوا فكرتي! كان هذا في تموز وسوف نمر عليه لاحقاً.
مع كل هذا ارسلت لهم من جديد حسابات الثقل المراد استعماله من اجل التغلب على قوة الدفع العامودي لضغط البترول الخارج من البئر. هذه الحسابات استعملت فعلياً عندما استعملوا فكرتي لإغلاق البئر في شهر تموز.
ايضا مع كل الاحتمالات ارسلت لهم من جديد اذا كانت فوهة البئر مكسورة بطريقة عشوائية  رسمة لسدة كونيك ممكن ان تسكّر البئر او تساعد لتخفيض كمية البترول الخارجة الى المحيط بشكل كبير.
ايضا رسمت لهم السدة على صورة اخذتها عن الانترنيت واظهرت لهم ان السدة ممكن ان تركز على الفلانشا لفوهة البئر. الملف المعلق رقم (9)

Tue, June 8, 2010 3:18:08 PM
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact

Attached files:

BP. Special plug + letter.pdf (815KB)

To whom it may concern
I thank you for your response but I can tell you that I could not upload the document to where you told me to send my submission.
I received the following:
Please be advised that all what I want from this, is to help you to overcoming the oil disaster in the golf of Mexico where you are trying to solve the problem.
With this e-mail you have my letter that explains briefly the solution,
I ask you please if you would to forward it where you wanted me to send my submission.
I thank you in advance
Afif Abou-Raphael

13-    مع هذا الايميل ارسلت لهم تصحيح بسيط كنت قد اقترفته عند احتساب الانش المربع بالسنتيمتر المربع.
Tue, June 8, 2010 7:33:11 PM
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
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Attached files:

2 Files  Download All
BP. Special plug + letter.pdf (815KB); BP proposal. Correction of my mistake (Calculation).docx (11KB)

To whom it may concern
I am sorry for a mistake in the calculation
Please see the following correction:
When I wrote:
1 square inch = It should be:
2, 54 cm * 2.54 cm = 6.45 cm2 instead of 20.57 cm2
Then the correction will be as follow:
Pressure per 1 cm2 = 690 bars / 6.45 cm2 = 106.95 bars
Total pressure = 109.95 bars * 552cm2 = 60692.4 kg or about 61 tons
Here is the solution;
If there is about 61 tons that are pushing the plug out then we need an equivalent
Weight plus at least to be attached to the plug in order to introduce it inside the well’s pipe, while more weight can be added in order to be able to close one valve to start with, then this valve can be connected to a hose that transfers the oil to the awaiting tanker on the surface.
This procedure will be renewed until a complete control of the spill will be archived.
The density of lead is about 11.34 tons per 1 cubic meter that means we need:
61 /11.34 = 5.4 cubic meters of lead to insure that we have enough weight to keep the plug inside the pipe’s well.
From these calculations you can see that it is possible to achieve the control over the spill using my method.
Even if we need to introduce a conical plug in order to reduce the oil flow drastically, without using my plug (see drawing please),
All what we need is: (5.4 cubic meters of lead * 5 times (full well pipes’ section) = 27 cubic meters of lead).
Thank you

--- On Tue, 6/8/10, Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> wrote:

From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: "RDC-BAA-DHR" <RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil>
Received: Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 4:18 PM
To whom it may concern
I thank you for your response but I can tell you that I could not upload the document to where you told me to send my submission.
I received the following:
Please be advised that all what I want from this, is to help you to overcoming the oil disaster in the golf of Mexico where you are trying to solve the problem.
With this e-mail you have my letter that explains briefly the solution,
I ask you please if you would to forward it where you wanted me to send my submission.
I thank you in advance
Afif Abou-Raphael

13-          بعد ان ارسلت لهم الرسمات وكل الشرح عن صناعة الفكرة وكيفية تركيبها على فوهة البئر، ارسلو لي هذا الايميل ومعه ملف معلق رقم (8) ويقول هذا الملف اشياء لاتلم الى ما طلبوه مني والى التفسيرات التقنية التي ارسلتها لهم. هذا يبرهن انهم حصلوا على المعلومت الاساسية وهذا كل ما يطلبونه بدون الاعتراف بالجميل وهذا ما حصل لاحقاً بعدما استعملوا فكرتي ونكروا الجميل.
 هذا كان الجواب على ايميلي بتاريخ
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:18 PM

Wed, June 9, 2010 2:15:44 PM
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Attached files:

2_BAA Access Issues.doc (57KB)

Please review attached response.

/s/Contracting Officer
USCG R&D Center

-----Original Message-----
From: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca [mailto:afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca]
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:18 PM

    To whom it may concern


    I thank you for your response but I can tell you that I could not upload the document to where you told me to send my submission.


    I received the following:



    Please be advised that all what I want from this, is to help you to overcoming the oil disaster in the golf of Mexico where you are trying to solve the problem.


    With this e-mail you have my letter that explains briefly the solution,


    I ask you please if you would to forward it where you wanted me to send my submission.


    I thank you in advance


    Afif Abou-Raphael

14-          بعد ان ارسلت لهم الرسمات وكل الشرح عن صناعة الفكرة وكيفية تركيبها على فوهة البئر، ارسلو لي هذا الايميل ومعه ملف معلق رقم (8) ويقول هذا الملف اشياء لاتلم الى ما طلبوه مني والى التفسيرات التقنية التي ارسلتها لهم. هذا يبرهن انهم حصلوا على المعلومت الاساسية وهذا كل ما يطلبونه بدون الاعتراف بالجميل وهذا ما حصل لاحقاً بعدما استعملوا فكرتي ونكروا الجميل.
 هذا كان الجواب على ايميلي بتاريخ
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 11:31 PM

Wed, June 9, 2010 2:17:00 PM
RE: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL with a better drawing
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Attached files:

1_Resubmit as White Paper under BAA.doc (57KB)

Please review attached response.

/s/Contracting Officer
USCG R&D Center

-----Original Message-----
From: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca [mailto:afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca]
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 11:31 PM
Subject: Fw: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL with a better drawing

This drawing shows the outside pistons of the plug.

--- On Fri, 6/4/10, Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> wrote:

    From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
    To: RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil
    Received: Friday, June 4, 2010, 7:39 PM
Good evening


Regardless of the hard efforts I had done to arrive to you, I can tell you that I am very pleased to send you my idea to completely kill the spell in the golf of Mexico .


First of all I would like to tell you that I am the inventor of the following invention since 1982: it is called




http://brevets-patents.ic.gc.ca/opic-cipo/cpd/eng/patent/1117864/summary.html <http://brevets-patents.ic.gc.ca/opic-cipo/cpd/eng/patent/1117864/summary.html


That can be used in future drilling and


Can be used in the present situation after having minor changes in the lower section that will allow it to pug the present well


It is in French, but if we can speak on the phone I can explain anything you would like to ask for.


This device is not more than another pipe that can be introduced easily in the well's pipe at ocean ground level.


1-    The pipe has an upper part that stays outside of the ground, because the lower part can be as long as we need according to the straight distance available for us in this situation.

2-    The upper part is wide enough and it has enough valves (in number or size) that let oil pass easily through it during the installation,

3-    The lower part has on the outside, kind of hydraulic cylinders capable to compress seals at many levels from bottom up, where first steel seals can go in the oil well pipe’s metal to strengthen the plug with the oil well’s pipe,

4-    When the plug is affixed to the well’s pipe while oil is flowing out of the well through the open valves, then we action other hydraulic cylinders from up down made out of cupper, rubber or else to seal between the the oil well’s pipe and the newly introduced device.

5-    When this is done then we start closing the outside vales one by one while controlling the pressure, until the last valve that will stop the spell completely.


But, if we see during the valves’ closing that we arrive to a point where we can’t continue to close more valves, then we connect these closed valves to tankers waiting on the surface then after we open one of the closed valves while closing more valves that are still flowing oil in the ocean until we have a complete control over the spell.


See please the attached drawing 




OIl well’s pipe 11

Plug’s lower part 11

Plug’s upper part 14

Control valves 13

Puge’s guiding end 10


Step one:


1-        The device will be attached to a heavy weight 16, and suspended from the heavy weight through the attaches 15 that will help to keep it in place where we need it to be during the installation process.


2-                  After preparing the oil well’s opening, we introduce the plug’s lower part 12 into the well’s pipe 11 guided by the plug’s guiding end 10.

3-                  After introducing the device to the needed depth, and after leaving all the valves 13 open.

4-                  We action the hydraulic cylinder 1 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part that compresses the steel seal 3 against a stopper 2. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 4 and the seal 6 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.

5-                  We action the hydraulic cylinder 4 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part too that compresses the steel seal 6 against a stopper 5. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 1 and the seal 3 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.

6-                  We action the hydraulic cylinder 7 that is installed on the outside of the plug’s cylindrical lower part too that compresses the steel seal 9 against a stopper 8. This seal will be held in place by a clip that slides between the cylinder 1 and the seal 3 to end inside its housing on the lower part of the plug.

7-                  The number of steel and copper seal can be as needed in order to provide a good hold and sealing situation to the leak between the plug and the oil well’s pipe.

8-                  Once this is done, we start closing the valves 13 one by one while controlling the situation.


It looks easy and I can assure you that it is very easy done because of the robots and the equipments BP has on site.


Best regards


Afif Abou_raphael

613 853 2615


Note; What I am sending you is a quick explanation, but if you wish more details please don’t hesitate to contact me.

15-          بعد ان ارسلت لهم الرسمات وكل الشرح عن صناعة الفكرة وكيفية تركيبها على فوهة البئر، ارسلو لي هذا الايميل ومعه ملف معلق رقم (8) ويقول هذا الملف اشياء لاتلم الى ما طلبوه مني والى التفسيرات التقنية التي ارسلتها لهم. هذا يبرهن انهم حصلوا على المعلومت الاساسية وهذا كل ما يطلبونه بدون الاعتراف بالجميل وهذا ما حصل لاحقاً بعدما استعملوا فكرتي ونكروا الجميل.
 هذا كان الجواب على ايميلي بتاريخ
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 8:33 PM

Wed, June 9, 2010 2:19:43 PM
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Attached files:

1_Resubmit as White Paper under BAA.doc (57KB)

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