الأحد، 15 نوفمبر 2015

وثائق تثبت قيام الرئيس الامريكي بالنصب والاحتيال علي المخترع العربي عفيف ابو رافايل رقم 2

Please review attached response.

/s/Contracting Officer
USCG R&D Center

-----Original Message-----
From: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca [mailto:afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca]
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 8:33 PM

To whom it may concern

I am sorry for a mistake in the calculation

Please see the following correction:

When I wrote:

1 square inch = It should be:

2, 54 cm * 2.54 cm = 6.45 cm2 instead of 20.57 cm2

Then the correction will be as follow:

Pressure per 1 cm2 = 690 bars / 6.45 cm2 = 106.95 bars

Total pressure = 109.95 bars * 552cm2 = 60692.4 kg or about 61 tons

Here is the solution;

If there is about 61 tons that are pushing the plug out then we need an equivalent

Weight plus at least to be attached to the plug in order to introduce it inside the well’s pipe, while more weight can be added in order to be able to close one valve to start with, then this valve can be connected to a hose that transfers the oil to the awaiting tanker on the surface.

This procedure will be renewed until a complete control of the spill will be archived.

The density of lead is about 11.34 tons per 1 cubic meter that means we need:

61 /11.34 = 5.4 cubic meters of lead to insure that we have enough weight to keep the plug inside the pipe’s well.

From these calculations you can see that it is possible to achieve the control over the spill using my method.

Even if we need to introduce a conical plug in order to reduce the oil flow drastically, without using my plug (see drawing please),

All what we need is: (5.4 cubic meters of lead * 5 times (full well pipes’ section) = 27 cubic meters of lead).

Thank you

--- On Tue, 6/8/10, Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> wrote:

    From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
    To: "RDC-BAA-DHR" <RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil>
    Received: Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 4:18 PM

    To whom it may concern


    I thank you for your response but I can tell you that I could not upload the document to where you told me to send my submission.


    I received the following:



    Please be advised that all what I want from this, is to help you to overcoming the oil disaster in the golf of Mexico where you are trying to solve the problem.


    With this e-mail you have my letter that explains briefly the solution,


    I ask you please if you would to forward it where you wanted me to send my submission.


    I thank you in advance


    Afif Abou-Raphael

17-    لقد خابرت الكونكرس الاميركي عندما كان رئيس ب ب على المنصة للإيجابة على اسئلة ممثلي الشعب الاميركي، وطلبت ان اتكلم مع اي من الممثلين من اجل سؤال رئيس ب ب لماذا لم يستعملوا بعد فكرتي. ولكن محاولتي هذه باءت بالفشل مثل سابقاتها، عوضاً عن ان السكرتيرة وعدتني ان ترسل لي عنوان اين ممكن ان يهتموا بفكرتي ولم تفعل!
On June 17, 2010, Mr. Hayward BP’s CEO was questioned at the American Congress, and it was live on TV.
I called the congress and spoke to a secretary.
“I presented myself and told her that I already have contacted the USCG and the White House in addition to sending a top notch proposal that will stop the spill in hours if it will be applied.
After telling her that it seemed that they are not taking my proposal seriously, I asked to speak to any Congressman from who are questioning Mr. Hayward in order to ask him why they are not applying my idea that will stop the spill within hours.
The lady answered me that she can’t do it, but she proposed to send me the address from where I can get the right attention.
And after giving her my e-mail address and waited, sadly, I didn’t receive anything from anybody.
Than I stopped sending them anything until July 11, 2010 when I read on the net that BP is going to apply a new cap on the well that was never used before, and the president Obama was briefed many times a day by his Senior Adviser Mr. David Axelrod.
In the article as you see in the attached copy, the cap is well detailed as I detailed it in my e-mails that were sent to the USCG in addition to my suggestion to take off all what was put atop the well in order to clear the way to putting in place the new cap. The new cap was called TOP KILL. These directives were sent to BP through the in my e-mail dated (Sat, June 5, 2010 5:13:37 PM ),
In addition, I tolled them to forget the issue that more oil will go into the ocean’s water because this will be only for a few hours because my idea is the miracle one to stop the spill for ever.

18-                        ارسلت لخفر السواحل تهنئة لأنهم سوف يستعملوا فكرتي لتسكير البئر

Sun, July 11, 2010 2:07:43 PM
I am huppy BP finally decided to use my method. Fw: RE: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact

Attached files:

2 Files  Download All
BP. Special plug + letter.pdf (815KB); BP proposal. Correction of my mistake (Calculation).docx (11KB)

To whom it may concern

I am happy that finally BP is using my way to stop the spill.

(See please attached newspaper's article


Afif Abou-raphael 

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil
Sent: Tue, June 8, 2010 8:33:11 PM
To whom it may concern
I am sorry for a mistake in the calculation
Please see the following correction:
When I wrote:
1 square inch = It should be:
2, 54 cm * 2.54 cm = 6.45 cm2 instead of 20.57 cm2
Then the correction will be as follow:
Pressure per 1 cm2 = 690 bars / 6.45 cm2 = 106.95 bars
Total pressure = 109.95 bars * 552cm2 = 60692.4 kg or about 61 tons
Here is the solution;
If there is about 61 tons that are pushing the plug out then we need an equivalent
Weight plus at least to be attached to the plug in order to introduce it inside the well’s pipe, while more weight can be added in order to be able to close one valve to start with, then this valve can be connected to a hose that transfers the oil to the awaiting tanker on the surface.
This procedure will be renewed until a complete control of the spill will be archived.
The density of lead is about 11.34 tons per 1 cubic meter that means we need:
61 /11.34 = 5.4 cubic meters of lead to insure that we have enough weight to keep the plug inside the pipe’s well.
From these calculations you can see that it is possible to achieve the control over the spill using my method.
Even if we need to introduce a conical plug in order to reduce the oil flow drastically, without using my plug (see drawing please),
All what we need is: (5.4 cubic meters of lead * 5 times (full well pipes’ section) = 27 cubic meters of lead).
Thank you

--- On Tue, 6/8/10, Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> wrote:

From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: "RDC-BAA-DHR" <RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil>
Received: Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 4:18 PM
To whom it may concern
I thank you for your response but I can tell you that I could not upload the document to where you told me to send my submission.
I received the following:
Please be advised that all what I want from this, is to help you to overcoming the oil disaster in the golf of Mexico where you are trying to solve the problem.
With this e-mail you have my letter that explains briefly the solution,
I ask you please if you would to forward it where you wanted me to send my submission.
I thank you in advance
Afif Abou-Raphael

19-    ارسلت لهم صورة عن المقال الذي يصف السدة وهذا الوصف هو مئة بالمئة ما ارسلت لهم. ايضاً يوجد وصف بان ب ب ازاحت كل ما وضع فوق البئر مئة بالمئة حسب ما قلت لهم ان يفعلوا.
المقال في الملف المعلق رقم (10)
Sun, July 11, 2010 2:11:13 PM
Sorry, The article is attached to this e-mail. Fw: I am huppy BP finally decided to use my method. Fw: RE: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact

Attached files:

3 Files  Download All
BP. Special plug + letter.pdf (815KB); BP proposal. Correction of my mistake (Calculation).docx (11KB); News paper's article. us_gulf_oil_spi. using my method.pdf (231KB)

The article is attached to this e-mail

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil
Sent: Sun, July 11, 2010 3:07:43 PM
Subject: I am huppy BP finally decided to use my method. Fw: RE: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL

To whom it may concern

I am happy that finally BP is using my way to stop the spill.

(See please attached newspaper's article


Afif Abou-raphael 

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil
Sent: Tue, June 8, 2010 8:33:11 PM
To whom it may concern
I am sorry for a mistake in the calculation
Please see the following correction:
When I wrote:
1 square inch = It should be:
2, 54 cm * 2.54 cm = 6.45 cm2 instead of 20.57 cm2
Then the correction will be as follow:
Pressure per 1 cm2 = 690 bars / 6.45 cm2 = 106.95 bars
Total pressure = 109.95 bars * 552cm2 = 60692.4 kg or about 61 tons
Here is the solution;
If there is about 61 tons that are pushing the plug out then we need an equivalent
Weight plus at least to be attached to the plug in order to introduce it inside the well’s pipe, while more weight can be added in order to be able to close one valve to start with, then this valve can be connected to a hose that transfers the oil to the awaiting tanker on the surface.
This procedure will be renewed until a complete control of the spill will be archived.
The density of lead is about 11.34 tons per 1 cubic meter that means we need:
61 /11.34 = 5.4 cubic meters of lead to insure that we have enough weight to keep the plug inside the pipe’s well.
From these calculations you can see that it is possible to achieve the control over the spill using my method.
Even if we need to introduce a conical plug in order to reduce the oil flow drastically, without using my plug (see drawing please),
All what we need is: (5.4 cubic meters of lead * 5 times (full well pipes’ section) = 27 cubic meters of lead).
Thank you

--- On Tue, 6/8/10, Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> wrote:

From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: "RDC-BAA-DHR" <RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil>
Received: Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 4:18 PM
To whom it may concern
I thank you for your response but I can tell you that I could not upload the document to where you told me to send my submission.
I received the following:
Please be advised that all what I want from this, is to help you to overcoming the oil disaster in the golf of Mexico where you are trying to solve the problem.
With this e-mail you have my letter that explains briefly the solution,
I ask you please if you would to forward it where you wanted me to send my submission.
I thank you in advance
Afif Abou-Raphael

20-                                           جائني هذا الجواب على تهنئتي لهم. ويطلبوا مني اذا اردت ارسال طلب جديد ان ارسله حسب تعليماتهم.
ايضاً بعدهم يتعاملون معي كأني ابله ولست ادري ما يدور حولي.
ممكن لأنني قلت لهم لااريد مالاً اذا استعملوا فكرتي. فعندما رأوا حسنات الفكرة فعلا فكروا انني ابله.
اذا لا، فلماذا يتعاملون معي بهذه السذاجة؟
Mon, July 12, 2010 8:00:46 AM
RE: Sorry, The article is attached to this e-mail. Fw: I am huppy BP finally decided to use my method. Fw: RE: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL
View Contact

Attached files 
BAA-Steps-with-Pictures (2).doc (396KB)

Thank you for your interest in the Deepwater Horizon Response effort. 

With regard to your e-mail, there is no process in place to make revisions to an already submitted White Paper.  You must submit a new White Paper with your revisions.  You can send an e-mail to RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil requesting that the previously submitted White Paper be withdrawn.  If you do this, please provide the tracking number of that White Paper.

I have attached a step by step guide to assist you in processing your White Paper.

The following information is provided for informational purposes:  We require all idea submissions be submitted through the Broad Agency Announcement HSCG32-10-R-R00019 (BAA), posted in Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps) at https://www.fbo.gov/spg/DHS/USCG/USCGRDC/HSCG32-10-R-R00019/listing.html. The process outlined in the BAA will ensure that your White Paper receives review and consideration.

Please be advised that the BAA solicitation has been amended.    IMPORTANT:  OFFERORS MUST OPEN THE MOST RECENT AMENDMENT.

Only contractual and technical questions regarding this BAA should be sent to the following e-mail address:  RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil

Informational questions and associated answers (i.e. FAQs) regarding this BAA will be periodically posted at http://homeport.uscg.mil/RDC-BAA-DHR-FAQ.

Contracting Officer /s/
USCG R&D Center

-----Original Message-----
From: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca [mailto:afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca]
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2010 3:11 PM
Subject: Sorry, The article is attached to this e-mail. Fw: I am huppy BP finally decided to use my method. Fw: RE: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL

The article is attached to this e-mail

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil
Sent: Sun, July 11, 2010 3:07:43 PM
Subject: I am huppy BP finally decided to use my method. Fw: RE: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL

To whom it may concern

I am happy that finally BP is using my way to stop the spill.

(See please attached newspaper's article


Afif Abou-raphael

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil
Sent: Tue, June 8, 2010 8:33:11 PM

To whom it may concern

I am sorry for a mistake in the calculation

Please see the following correction:


When I wrote:

1 square inch = It should be:

2, 54 cm * 2.54 cm = 6.45 cm2 instead of 20.57 cm2


Then the correction will be as follow:

Pressure per 1 cm2 = 690 bars / 6.45 cm2 = 106.95 bars

Total pressure = 109.95 bars * 552cm2 = 60692.4 kg or about 61 tons

Here is the solution;

If there is about 61 tons that are pushing the plug out then we need an equivalent

Weight plus at least to be attached to the plug in order to introduce it inside the well’s pipe, while more weight can be added in order to be able to close one valve to start with, then this valve can be connected to a hose that transfers the oil to the awaiting tanker on the surface.


This procedure will be renewed until a complete control of the spill will be archived.


The density of lead is about 11.34 tons per 1 cubic meter that means we need:

61 /11.34 = 5.4 cubic meters of lead to insure that we have enough weight to keep the plug inside the pipe’s well.


From these calculations you can see that it is possible to achieve the control over the spill using my method.


Even if we need to introduce a conical plug in order to reduce the oil flow drastically, without using my plug (see drawing please),

All what we need is: (5.4 cubic meters of lead * 5 times (full well pipes’ section) = 27 cubic meters of lead).


Thank you

--- On Tue, 6/8/10, Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> wrote:

    From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
    To: "RDC-BAA-DHR" <RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil>
    Received: Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 4:18 PM

    To whom it may concern


    I thank you for your response but I can tell you that I could not upload the document to where you told me to send my submission.


    I received the following:



    Please be advised that all what I want from this, is to help you to overcoming the oil disaster in the golf of Mexico where you are trying to solve the problem.


    With this e-mail you have my letter that explains briefly the solution,


    I ask you please if you would to forward it where you wanted me to send my submission.


    I thank you in advance


    Afif Abou-Raphael

21-    قلت تهم في هذا الايميل انني ارسلت لهم الفكرة التي ارسلوها ل ب ب والتي استعملت لتسكير البئر فعلياً. والفكرة التي استعملتها ب ب هي مئة بالمئة فكرتي بغض النظر عن انهم استعملوها مؤخرنا بدون ان يكترثوا لتلوث الخليج.
قلت لهم ايضاً انني بحاجة ماسة الى شهادة تقنية تظهر انهم استعملوا فعلاً فكرتي التي سكرت البئر.
ايضاً قلت لهم ان رسالتي هذه هي اولاً لتهنئتهم على قرارهم الصائب لإستعمال فكرتي عندما رأوا فعاليتها. وثانياً هي طلب بالاعتراف بمصدر الفكرة الصائبة التي وفرت تلوث ومشاكل اكثر.
Fri, July 16, 2010 8:41:33 AM
About my idea that was sent to you and was used to stop the spill effectively
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact

Dr. Elias Masri <eliasmasri1@aol.com>

Attached files:

2 Files  Download All
News paper's article. us_gulf_oil_spi. using my method.pdf (231KB); BP said spill is stopped completely.pdf (170KB)

To whom it may concern At the US COAST GUARD

Good day

I did send you the previous e-mail just to remind you that I did send the idea to you and I think you had provided it to your team than it was given to BP as an order probably.

Now, my full idea is absolutly what BP used to stop the spill as I can read in the papers.

Regardless of why you didn't use it before to save the golf area that added pollution.

I ask you please to give me technical credit for what I gave you to really stop the spill even if you used it late.

I would like to tell you that I need badly this credit for my technical CV.

Please, I ask you to take my letter first as a complement to your decision to implement my idea when you saw that it could work, second as a demand to recognize the origin of the perfect idea that saved a lot of more troubles and pollution.

Sincerely and without prejudice

Inventor: Afif Abou-Raphael.

From: RDC-BAA-DHR <RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil>
To: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca
Sent: Mon, July 12, 2010 9:00:46 AM
Subject: RE: Sorry, The article is attached to this e-mail. Fw: I am huppy BP finally decided to use my method. Fw: RE: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL

Thank you for your interest in the Deepwater Horizon Response effort. 

With regard to your e-mail, there is no process in place to make revisions to an already submitted White Paper.  You must submit a new White Paper with your revisions.  You can send an e-mail to RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil requesting that the previously submitted White Paper be withdrawn.  If you do this, please provide the tracking number of that White Paper.

I have attached a step by step guide to assist you in processing your White Paper.

The following information is provided for informational purposes:  We require all idea submissions be submitted through the Broad Agency Announcement HSCG32-10-R-R00019 (BAA), posted in Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps) at https://www.fbo.gov/spg/DHS/USCG/USCGRDC/HSCG32-10-R-R00019/listing.html. The process outlined in the BAA will ensure that your White Paper receives review and consideration.

Please be advised that the BAA solicitation has been amended.    IMPORTANT:  OFFERORS MUST OPEN THE MOST RECENT AMENDMENT.

Only contractual and technical questions regarding this BAA should be sent to the following e-mail address:  RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil

Informational questions and associated answers (i.e. FAQs) regarding this BAA will be periodically posted at http://homeport.uscg.mil/RDC-BAA-DHR-FAQ.

Contracting Officer /s/
USCG R&D Center

-----Original Message-----
From: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca [mailto:afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca]
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2010 3:11 PM
Subject: Sorry, The article is attached to this e-mail. Fw: I am huppy BP finally decided to use my method. Fw: RE: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL

The article is attached to this e-mail

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil
Sent: Sun, July 11, 2010 3:07:43 PM
Subject: I am huppy BP finally decided to use my method. Fw: RE: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL

To whom it may concern

I am happy that finally BP is using my way to stop the spill.

(See please attached newspaper's article


Afif Abou-raphael

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil
Sent: Tue, June 8, 2010 8:33:11 PM

To whom it may concern

I am sorry for a mistake in the calculation

Please see the following correction:


When I wrote:

1 square inch = It should be:

2, 54 cm * 2.54 cm = 6.45 cm2 instead of 20.57 cm2


Then the correction will be as follow:

Pressure per 1 cm2 = 690 bars / 6.45 cm2 = 106.95 bars

Total pressure = 109.95 bars * 552cm2 = 60692.4 kg or about 61 tons

Here is the solution;

If there is about 61 tons that are pushing the plug out then we need an equivalent

Weight plus at least to be attached to the plug in order to introduce it inside the well’s pipe, while more weight can be added in order to be able to close one valve to start with, then this valve can be connected to a hose that transfers the oil to the awaiting tanker on the surface.


This procedure will be renewed until a complete control of the spill will be archived.


The density of lead is about 11.34 tons per 1 cubic meter that means we need:

61 /11.34 = 5.4 cubic meters of lead to insure that we have enough weight to keep the plug inside the pipe’s well.


From these calculations you can see that it is possible to achieve the control over the spill using my method.


Even if we need to introduce a conical plug in order to reduce the oil flow drastically, without using my plug (see drawing please),

All what we need is: (5.4 cubic meters of lead * 5 times (full well pipes’ section) = 27 cubic meters of lead).


Thank you

--- On Tue, 6/8/10, Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> wrote:

    From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
    To: "RDC-BAA-DHR" <RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil>
    Received: Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 4:18 PM

    To whom it may concern


    I thank you for your response but I can tell you that I could not upload the document to where you told me to send my submission.


    I received the following:



    Please be advised that all what I want from this, is to help you to overcoming the oil disaster in the golf of Mexico where you are trying to solve the problem.


    With this e-mail you have my letter that explains briefly the solution,


    I ask you please if you would to forward it where you wanted me to send my submission.


    I thank you in advance


    Afif Abou-Raphael

22-    جواباً على رسالتي جائني هذا الجواب الفاضي. يقولون لي فيه: انهم يحترمون ايميلي ويتفهمون ما كتبت ولكن هم يعملون بجد لحل مشكلة التلوث ومشتقاتها.
ايضاً يقولون انهم يقدرون اهتمامي ومساعدتهم بالجهود المبذولة.

Fri, July 16, 2010 3:24:42 PM
RE: About my idea that was sent to you and was used to stop the spill effectively
View Contact

Thank you for your interest in the Deepwater Horizon Response effort. 

With regard to your email, we understand your comments and are working diligently to resolve oil-spill related issues.

Again, we appreciate your interest in supporting the Deepwater Horizon Responses effort.

Contracting Officer /s/
USCG R&D Center

-----Original Message-----
From: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca [mailto:afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca]
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2010 9:42 AM
Cc: Dr. Elias Masri
Subject: About my idea that was sent to you and was used to stop the spill effectively

To whom it may concern At the US COAST GUARD

Good day

I did send you the previous e-mail just to remind you that I did send the idea to you and I think you had provided it to your team than it was given to BP as an order probably.

Now, my full idea is bsolutely what BP used to stop the spill as I can read in the papers.

Regardless of why you didn’t use it before to save the golf area that added pollution.

I ask you please to give me technical credit for what I gave you to really stop the spill even if you used it late.

I would like to tell you that I need badly this credit for my technical CV.

Please, I ask you to take my letter first as a complement to your decision to implement my idea when you saw that it could work, second as a demand to recognize the origin of the perfect idea that saved a lot of more troubles and pollution.

Sincerely and without prejudice

Inventor: Afif Abou-Raphael.


From: RDC-BAA-DHR <RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil>
To: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca
Sent: Mon, July 12, 2010 9:00:46 AM
Subject: RE: Sorry, The article is attached to this e-mail. Fw: I am huppy BP finally decided to use my method. Fw: RE: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL

Thank you for your interest in the Deepwater Horizon Response effort. 

With regard to your e-mail, there is no process in place to make revisions to an already submitted White Paper.  You must submit a new White Paper with your revisions.  You can send an e-mail to RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil requesting that the previously submitted White Paper be withdrawn.  If you do this, please provide the tracking number of that White Paper.

I have attached a step by step guide to assist you in processing your White Paper.

The following information is provided for informational purposes:  We require all idea submissions be submitted through the Broad Agency Announcement HSCG32-10-R-R00019 (BAA), posted in Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps) at https://www.fbo.gov/spg/DHS/USCG/USCGRDC/HSCG32-10-R-R00019/listing.html. The process outlined in the BAA will ensure that your White Paper receives review and consideration.

Please be advised that the BAA solicitation has been amended.    IMPORTANT:  OFFERORS MUST OPEN THE MOST RECENT AMENDMENT.

Only contractual and technical questions regarding this BAA should be sent to the following e-mail address:  RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil

Informational questions and associated answers (i.e. FAQs) regarding this BAA will be periodically posted at http://homeport.uscg.mil/RDC-BAA-DHR-FAQ.

Contracting Officer /s/
USCG R&D Center

-----Original Message-----
From: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca [mailto:afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca]
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2010 3:11 PM
Subject: Sorry, The article is attached to this e-mail. Fw: I am huppy BP finally decided to use my method. Fw: RE: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL

The article is attached to this e-mail

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil
Sent: Sun, July 11, 2010 3:07:43 PM
Subject: I am huppy BP finally decided to use my method. Fw: RE: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL

To whom it may concern

I am happy that finally BP is using my way to stop the spill.

(See please attached newspaper’s article


Afif Abou-raphael

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil
Sent: Tue, June 8, 2010 8:33:11 PM

To whom it may concern

I am sorry for a mistake in the calculation

Please see the following correction:


When I wrote:

1 square inch = It should be:

2, 54 cm * 2.54 cm = 6.45 cm2 instead of 20.57 cm2


Then the correction will be as follow:

Pressure per 1 cm2 = 690 bars / 6.45 cm2 = 106.95 bars

Total pressure = 109.95 bars * 552cm2 = 60692.4 kg or about 61 tons

Here is the solution;

If there is about 61 tons that are pushing the plug out then we need an equivalent

Weight plus at least to be attached to the plug in order to introduce it inside the well’s pipe, while more weight can be added in order to be able to close one valve to start with, then this valve can be connected to a hose that transfers the oil to the awaiting tanker on the surface.


This procedure will be renewed until a complete control of the spill will be archived.


The density of lead is about 11.34 tons per 1 cubic meter that means we need:

61 /11.34 = 5.4 cubic meters of lead to insure that we have enough weight to keep the plug inside the pipe’s well.


From these calculations you can see that it is possible to achieve the control over the spill using my method.


Even if we need to introduce a conical plug in order to reduce the oil flow drastically, without using my plug (see drawing please),

All what we need is: (5.4 cubic meters of lead * 5 times (full well pipes’ section) = 27 cubic meters of lead).


Thank you

--- On Tue, 6/8/10, Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> wrote:

    From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
    To: “RDC-BAA-DHR” <RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil>
    Received: Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 4:18 PM

    To whom it may concern


    I thank you for your response but I can tell you that I could not upload the document to where you told me to send my submission.


    I received the following:



    Please be advised that all what I want from this, is to help you to overcoming the oil disaster in the golf of Mexico where you are trying to solve the problem.


    With this e-mail you have my letter that explains briefly the solution,


    I ask you please if you would to forward it where you wanted me to send my submission.


    I thank you in advance


    Afif Abou-Raphael

22A- CTV
لقد حصل بعض المكالمات الهاتفية مع خفر الواحل وعندما رأيت انهم لا يريدون ان يعترفوا بأنني انا عفيف ابورفائيل من اعطاهم الفكرة، انظرتهم بأن القصة سوف تصل الى الصحافة.
وهذا ما بدأت افعله عندما اتصلت بشركة (سي تي في) وارسلت لهم كل شيء. لكن للأسف (سي تي في) وبعد حوال الاسبوع راجعتهم فقالوا لي لايريدون ان يهتموا بالقصة. سالتهم اذا كانت القصة سياسية وبعد تريث جاء الجواب بالنفي.
Fri, July 16, 2010 3:49:21 PM
From Afif Abou-Raphael. More to follow. Fw: USCG RDC Deepwater Horizon Technical Response
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact
Max Keeping <mkeeping@ctv.ca>

Hallo Mr. Keeping
Again it is me. Today’s story is concerning the oil spill in the gulf of Mexico.
To make the story short:
1-      Around mid May I sent an e-mail to the white house offering them without any money the idea that BP used a few days ago to stop the spill.
2-      Then right away I got BP’s e-mail by phone when I called them I thing the gentle man told that they are in the Houston area. Then I sent them drawings and details about what they have to do to build it quickly and effectively.
3-      When I didn’t hear from BP I contacted the US Coast Guard, and I sent them many e-mails in them I included the IDEA with its explanation, calculation and drawings.
4-      During the questioning period of BP’s president at the house of representative, I called hoping to speak to one of the representative who was questioning him. But I was transferred to a secretary with whom I spoke and asked her to pass me any representative to tell them that they should apply my idea if they are willing to solve their problem.
5-      Again the lady probably took me for a charlatan, because she didn’t pass me anybody nor she sent me the e-mail she promised to send.
6-      I was very surprised why they didn’t contact me for more details or why they didn’t apply my idea which I was a 100% sure that it will work as it did yesterday and everybody is happy now.
Mr. Keeping, it is amazing, these people had my idea that stopped the oil spill about a month and half ago, imagine how much more oil polluted the area for years to come.
I am keeping it to you to draw the conclusion.
I will be forwarding all the e-mail that I sent them and I have copies of them.
The one I sent to the white house I probably have a copy of the wording. Anyway, after this e-mail you will be receiving more that proves what I am saying and that I am the father of the miracle solution applied by BP.
Afif Abou-Raphael
613 853 2615

--- On Fri, 6/4/10, CGRDCDeepWaterHorizon <CGRDCDeepWaterHorizon@uscg.mil> wrote:

From: CGRDCDeepWaterHorizon <CGRDCDeepWaterHorizon@uscg.mil>
Subject: USCG RDC Deepwater Horizon Technical Response
To: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca
Received: Friday, June 4, 2010, 5:13 PM
Good Afternoon Mr. Abou-Raphael,

Thank you for contacting the Coast Guard Research and Development Center about your idea for the Deepwater Horizon Response effort. In order for the Coast Guard Research and Development Center to continue to review your idea, we are requesting that you submit more information via our Broad Agency Announcement HSCG32-10-R-R00019.

The submission must be made electronically at the following link:


If you have any contractual or technical questions regarding this process, please submit them to

Informational questions and associated answers (FAQs) will be periodically posted at http://homeport.uscg.mil/RDC-BAA-DHR-FAQ

Your submission status can be tracked by entering your BAA tracking number at

We look forward to receiving more information about your idea.

Thank You,
M. J. Sisson, Captain, USCG
Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Research and Development Center


23-    عندما لم يأتيني الجواب الذي اريده وهو الاعتراف بأنهم استعملوا فكرتي. اتصلت بخفر السواحل وسألت ما الموجوب عملانه وكنت مصٍر على الحصول على الاعتراف. الجواب الذي حصلت عليه من سيدة ان اعطتني عنوان جديد لمسؤولين اخرين وقالت لي ان اكتب لهم مضمون الرسالة التالية وهو انني لم احصل على الجواب الذي اصبوا اليه.
سألت السيدة عن اسمها فقالت لي: التعليمات لدينا ان لا نعطي هذا الايميل لأحد وانا عملته كخدمة ولا اريد ان اخسر عملي. شكرتها للحال واقفلت الهاتف ثم كتبت الرسالة.
هنا كنت لا ازال اعتقد انني بعثت اول طلب الى ب ب في 15 ايار وكنت افكر انني ارسلت الى خفر السوال في 14 حزيران.
قلت في الرسالة ان ب ب استعملت فكرتي وكل ما اريد هو اعتراف بأنني اب هذه الفكرة.
واعتقد بأنني لااظن بأنني اطلب الكثير لأن ب ب استعملت افكار كثيرة كلفت الكثير ولم تجدي. وفكرتي كانت فعّالة للغاية حيث ان البئر اقفل كلياً بظرف ساعات معدودة.
ايضاً قلت لهم ان بوسعهم الآن ان يستعملوا اختراعي في الابار الجديدة المنوي حفرها، وهذا سوف يكون بكل امان بسبب وجود فكرتي التي اظهرت فعاليتها الان.

Sat, July 17, 2010 1:38:35 PM
Fw: RE: About my idea that was sent to you and was used to stop the spill effectively
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact

To whom it may concern

I am forwarding this e-mail to you because I didn't receive the answer I am looking for.
You know that my idea is the one that was used to stop the spill lately. I provided it to you on June 4, 2010 and upgrading followed after this date;
According to your records if you look at it you will see that it was sent to you since more then a month and half ago. And In the beginning I sent it to BP around May 15,2010, then to the white house about May 23, 2010 then to you on June 4, 2010 abd after
From: CGRDCDeepWaterHorizon <CGRDCDeepWaterHorizon@uscg.mil>
Subject: USCG RDC Deepwater Horizon Technical Response
To: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca
Received: Friday, June 4, 2010, 5:13 PM
Please all what I need is an acknowledgement that me is the father of the solution that stopped the spill and that was provided to you by me.
Honestly, I don’t thing that I am asking to much, imagine BP used all kind of failed solutions and the disaster grow more and more for so long because my idea was not used when you received it. The minute it was applied here you have the results and the oil is kept under ground. Moreover the same well can be re-used as I mentioned in my previous letters to you.
If you wish I can forward to you more e-mails that were sent and received from and to you.
Sincerely and with respect
Afif Abou-Raphael
Note: For the future. I think that you should enforce using my invention in future oil wells drilling that will help to prepare the oil wells’ pipes to receiving a pre-prepared plug according to my Patent
With this I thing offshore drilling will be more safe.

--- On Fri, 7/16/10, RDC-BAA-DHR <RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil> wrote:

From: RDC-BAA-DHR <RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil>
Subject: RE: About my idea that was sent to you and was used to stop the spill effectively
To: afifabouraphael@YAHOO.CA
Received: Friday, July 16, 2010, 4:24 PM
Thank you for your interest in the Deepwater Horizon Response effort. 

With regard to your email, we understand your comments and are working diligently to resolve oil-spill related issues.

Again, we appreciate your interest in supporting the Deepwater Horizon Responses effort.

Contracting Officer /s/
USCG R&D Center

-----Original Message-----
From: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca [mailto:afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca]
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2010 9:42 AM
Cc: Dr. Elias Masri
Subject: About my idea that was sent to you and was used to stop the spill effectively

To whom it may concern At the US COAST GUARD

Good day

I did send you the previous e-mail just to remind you that I did send the idea to you and I think you had provided it to your team than it was given to BP as an order probably.

Now, my full idea is absolutly what BP used to stop the spill as I can read in the papers.

Regardless of why you didn't use it before to save the golf area that added pollution.

I ask you please to give me technical credit for what I gave you to really stop the spill even if you used it late.

I would like to tell you that I need badly this credit for my technical CV.

Please, I ask you to take my letter first as a complement to your decision to implement my idea when you saw that it could work, second as a demand to recognize the origin of the perfect idea that saved a lot of more troubles and pollution.

Sincerely and without prejudice

Inventor: Afif Abou-Raphael.


From: RDC-BAA-DHR <RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil>
To: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca
Sent: Mon, July 12, 2010 9:00:46 AM
Subject: RE: Sorry, The article is attached to this e-mail. Fw: I am huppy BP finally decided to use my method. Fw: RE: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL

Thank you for your interest in the Deepwater Horizon Response effort. 

With regard to your e-mail, there is no process in place to make revisions to an already submitted White Paper.  You must submit a new White Paper with your revisions.  You can send an e-mail to RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil requesting that the previously submitted White Paper be withdrawn.  If you do this, please provide the tracking number of that White Paper.

I have attached a step by step guide to assist you in processing your White Paper.

The following information is provided for informational purposes:  We require all idea submissions be submitted through the Broad Agency Announcement HSCG32-10-R-R00019 (BAA), posted in Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps) at https://www.fbo.gov/spg/DHS/USCG/USCGRDC/HSCG32-10-R-R00019/listing.html. The process outlined in the BAA will ensure that your White Paper receives review and consideration.

Please be advised that the BAA solicitation has been amended.    IMPORTANT:  OFFERORS MUST OPEN THE MOST RECENT AMENDMENT.

Only contractual and technical questions regarding this BAA should be sent to the following e-mail address:  RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil

Informational questions and associated answers (i.e. FAQs) regarding this BAA will be periodically posted at http://homeport.uscg.mil/RDC-BAA-DHR-FAQ.

Contracting Officer /s/
USCG R&D Center

-----Original Message-----
From: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca [mailto:afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca]
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2010 3:11 PM
Subject: Sorry, The article is attached to this e-mail. Fw: I am huppy BP finally decided to use my method. Fw: RE: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL

The article is attached to this e-mail

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil
Sent: Sun, July 11, 2010 3:07:43 PM
Subject: I am huppy BP finally decided to use my method. Fw: RE: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL

To whom it may concern

I am happy that finally BP is using my way to stop the spill.

(See please attached newspaper's article


Afif Abou-raphael

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil
Sent: Tue, June 8, 2010 8:33:11 PM

To whom it may concern

I am sorry for a mistake in the calculation

Please see the following correction:


When I wrote:

1 square inch = It should be:

2, 54 cm * 2.54 cm = 6.45 cm2 instead of 20.57 cm2


Then the correction will be as follow:

Pressure per 1 cm2 = 690 bars / 6.45 cm2 = 106.95 bars

Total pressure = 109.95 bars * 552cm2 = 60692.4 kg or about 61 tons

Here is the solution;

If there is about 61 tons that are pushing the plug out then we need an equivalent

Weight plus at least to be attached to the plug in order to introduce it inside the well’s pipe, while more weight can be added in order to be able to close one valve to start with, then this valve can be connected to a hose that transfers the oil to the awaiting tanker on the surface.


This procedure will be renewed until a complete control of the spill will be archived.


The density of lead is about 11.34 tons per 1 cubic meter that means we need:

61 /11.34 = 5.4 cubic meters of lead to insure that we have enough weight to keep the plug inside the pipe’s well.


From these calculations you can see that it is possible to achieve the control over the spill using my method.


Even if we need to introduce a conical plug in order to reduce the oil flow drastically, without using my plug (see drawing please),

All what we need is: (5.4 cubic meters of lead * 5 times (full well pipes’ section) = 27 cubic meters of lead).


Thank you

--- On Tue, 6/8/10, Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> wrote:

    From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
    To: "RDC-BAA-DHR" <RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil>
    Received: Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 4:18 PM

    To whom it may concern


    I thank you for your response but I can tell you that I could not upload the document to where you told me to send my submission.


    I received the following:



    Please be advised that all what I want from this, is to help you to overcoming the oil disaster in the golf of Mexico where you are trying to solve the problem.


    With this e-mail you have my letter that explains briefly the solution,


    I ask you please if you would to forward it where you wanted me to send my submission.


    I thank you in advance


    Afif Abou-Raphael


24-    هنا دخلت على الارشيف واخرجت كل المراسلات وتبين لي ان كل المراسلات كانت مع خفر السواحل. لذلك ارسلت لهم هذا الايميل وفيه اقول: لما قُلت ارسلتها الى ب ب، غلط وقد ارسلتها لكم.
الملف المعلق رقم (2) الذي ارسلته الى خفر السواحل مع نسخة الى الرئيس كلينتون.

Sat, July 17, 2010 3:19:26 PM
More details to my previous e-mai
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact

Attached files:

For BP. 1. Proposal to stop the spell.pdf (36KB)

To whom it may concern

When I said to BP Probably it was sent to you PLease see the attached document

Afif Abouraphael

25-    هنا ارسلت رسالة الى الرئيس كلينتون اعلمه فيها بمشاكلي مع خفر السواحل، ايضاً اعلمه بأن فكرتي التي ارسلتها له في 15 ايار هي التي سكرت البئر.
وللأسف لم يردني اي جواب من الرئيس كلينتون.
Sun, July 18, 2010 9:35:01 AM
Fw: Proposal to stop the spell in the golf from the inventor Afif Abou-Raphael
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact

Attached files 
For BP. 1. Proposal to stop the spell.pdf (36KB)

Dear Mr. President

I am sending this note to you just to inform you that my idea that I have sent you a CC in May 15, 2010, is the one that was used to stop the spill. (See please the e-mail below)

If you wish, you can inquire with the coast Guard about the upgrading that I send them after this e-mail.


Afif Abou-Raphael

--- On Sat, 5/15/10, Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> wrote:

From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
Subject: Proposal to stop the spell in the golf from the inventor Afif Abou-Raphael
To: Horizonsupport@oegllc.com
Cc: Horizonsupport@oegllc.com, enews@clintonfoundation.org
Received: Saturday, May 15, 2010, 4:30 PM
To whom it may concern

Attached is the document that was sent to me to fill it up.

I am proposing to you a very simple way to block the oil well will it can be reused after by using a modified example of my patent of the 1982.

For more details please contact me at
613 853 2615


Afif Abou-Raphael

26-    علمت ان الادميرال ثاد الن كان يريد ان يفتح البئر من اجل اخفاض الضغط وهذا بإرسال البترول عبر انابيب الى ناقلات نفط. ب ب كانت تعارض الفكرة وبدأت تخويف الادميرال ثان الن بأنه اذا اراد فتح البئر فهذا سوف يجبر ب ب على ارسال البترول اللى المحيط لعدة ايام.
 انا لمّا رأيت هذا الابتزاز، كتبت هذه الرسالة الى الادميرال وقلت له انني انا اب الفكرة واني اشجعه على فتح البئر اذا اراد وذلك فقط بعد وصل السدة بناقلات النفط بواسطة انابيب وبعدها بمقدورهم فتح السكورا (فالفز).
Sun, July 18, 2010 12:39:06 PM
To Mr. Thad Allen personally, Coast Guard Adm.
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact

Mr. Thad Allen, Coast Guard Adm.

Again it is me the inventor Afif Abou-Raphael the father of the miracle plug,

When I read, that oil is to be released in the gulf for a few days if you will decide to reopen the well.

I think it is absurd, because when you connect the plug's valves to the pipes that will be transferring the oil to the awaiting tankers, this operation has to be when the valves are closed, and it is a must. Then slowly the valves will be re-opened and time will be given until the pressure drops again to the acceptable limits. Then these valves will be widely open or a desired limit.

Note: if oil will be leaking, then with no danger the valves will be closed until the leak is repaired. Again the valves will be re-opened another time.


Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael

--- On Sat, 7/17/10, Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> wrote:

From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
Subject: Fw: RE: About my idea that was sent to you and was used to stop the spill effectively
To: cgrdcdeepwaterhorizon@uscg.mil
Received: Saturday, July 17, 2010, 2:38 PM

To whom it may concern

I am forwarding this e-mail to you because I didn't receive the answer I am looking for.
You know that my idea is the one that was used to stop the spill lately. I provided it to you on June 4, 2010 and upgrading followed after this date;
According to your records if you look at it you will see that it was sent to you since more then a month and half ago. And In the beginning I sent it to BP around May 15,2010, then to the white house about May 23, 2010 then to you on June 4, 2010 abd after
From: CGRDCDeepWaterHorizon <CGRDCDeepWaterHorizon@uscg.mil>
Subject: USCG RDC Deepwater Horizon Technical Response
To: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca
Received: Friday, June 4, 2010, 5:13 PM
Please all what I need is an acknowledgement that me is the father of the solution that stopped the spill and that was provided to you by me.
Honestly, I don’t thing that I am asking to much, imagine BP used all kind of failed solutions and the disaster grow more and more for so long because my idea was not used when you received it. The minute it was applied here you have the results and the oil is kept under ground. Moreover the same well can be re-used as I mentioned in my previous letters to you.
If you wish I can forward to you more e-mails that were sent and received from and to you.
Sincerely and with respect
Afif Abou-Raphael
Note: For the future. I think that you should enforce using my invention in future oil wells drilling that will help to prepare the oil wells’ pipes to receiving a pre-prepared plug according to my Patent
With this I thing offshore drilling will be more safe.

--- On Fri, 7/16/10, RDC-BAA-DHR <RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil> wrote:

From: RDC-BAA-DHR <RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil>
Subject: RE: About my idea that was sent to you and was used to stop the spill effectively
To: afifabouraphael@YAHOO.CA
Received: Friday, July 16, 2010, 4:24 PM
Thank you for your interest in the Deepwater Horizon Response effort. 

With regard to your email, we understand your comments and are working diligently to resolve oil-spill related issues.

Again, we appreciate your interest in supporting the Deepwater Horizon Responses effort.

Contracting Officer /s/
USCG R&D Center

-----Original Message-----
From: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca [mailto:afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca]
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2010 9:42 AM
Cc: Dr. Elias Masri
Subject: About my idea that was sent to you and was used to stop the spill effectively

To whom it may concern At the US COAST GUARD

Good day

I did send you the previous e-mail just to remind you that I did send the idea to you and I think you had provided it to your team than it was given to BP as an order probably.

Now, my full idea is absolutly what BP used to stop the spill as I can read in the papers.

Regardless of why you didn't use it before to save the golf area that added pollution.

I ask you please to give me technical credit for what I gave you to really stop the spill even if you used it late.

I would like to tell you that I need badly this credit for my technical CV.

Please, I ask you to take my letter first as a complement to your decision to implement my idea when you saw that it could work, second as a demand to recognize the origin of the perfect idea that saved a lot of more troubles and pollution.

Sincerely and without prejudice

Inventor: Afif Abou-Raphael.


From: RDC-BAA-DHR <RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil>
To: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca
Sent: Mon, July 12, 2010 9:00:46 AM
Subject: RE: Sorry, The article is attached to this e-mail. Fw: I am huppy BP finally decided to use my method. Fw: RE: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL

Thank you for your interest in the Deepwater Horizon Response effort. 

With regard to your e-mail, there is no process in place to make revisions to an already submitted White Paper.  You must submit a new White Paper with your revisions.  You can send an e-mail to RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil requesting that the previously submitted White Paper be withdrawn.  If you do this, please provide the tracking number of that White Paper.

I have attached a step by step guide to assist you in processing your White Paper.

The following information is provided for informational purposes:  We require all idea submissions be submitted through the Broad Agency Announcement HSCG32-10-R-R00019 (BAA), posted in Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps) at https://www.fbo.gov/spg/DHS/USCG/USCGRDC/HSCG32-10-R-R00019/listing.html. The process outlined in the BAA will ensure that your White Paper receives review and consideration.

Please be advised that the BAA solicitation has been amended.    IMPORTANT:  OFFERORS MUST OPEN THE MOST RECENT AMENDMENT.

Only contractual and technical questions regarding this BAA should be sent to the following e-mail address:  RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil

Informational questions and associated answers (i.e. FAQs) regarding this BAA will be periodically posted at http://homeport.uscg.mil/RDC-BAA-DHR-FAQ.

Contracting Officer /s/
USCG R&D Center

-----Original Message-----
From: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca [mailto:afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca]
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2010 3:11 PM
Subject: Sorry, The article is attached to this e-mail. Fw: I am huppy BP finally decided to use my method. Fw: RE: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL

The article is attached to this e-mail

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil
Sent: Sun, July 11, 2010 3:07:43 PM
Subject: I am huppy BP finally decided to use my method. Fw: RE: BP. PLUG FOR THE BROKEN OIL WELL

To whom it may concern

I am happy that finally BP is using my way to stop the spill.

(See please attached newspaper's article


Afif Abou-raphael

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil
Sent: Tue, June 8, 2010 8:33:11 PM

To whom it may concern

I am sorry for a mistake in the calculation

Please see the following correction:


When I wrote:

1 square inch = It should be:

2, 54 cm * 2.54 cm = 6.45 cm2 instead of 20.57 cm2


Then the correction will be as follow:

Pressure per 1 cm2 = 690 bars / 6.45 cm2 = 106.95 bars

Total pressure = 109.95 bars * 552cm2 = 60692.4 kg or about 61 tons

Here is the solution;

If there is about 61 tons that are pushing the plug out then we need an equivalent

Weight plus at least to be attached to the plug in order to introduce it inside the well’s pipe, while more weight can be added in order to be able to close one valve to start with, then this valve can be connected to a hose that transfers the oil to the awaiting tanker on the surface.


This procedure will be renewed until a complete control of the spill will be archived.


The density of lead is about 11.34 tons per 1 cubic meter that means we need:

61 /11.34 = 5.4 cubic meters of lead to insure that we have enough weight to keep the plug inside the pipe’s well.


From these calculations you can see that it is possible to achieve the control over the spill using my method.


Even if we need to introduce a conical plug in order to reduce the oil flow drastically, without using my plug (see drawing please),

All what we need is: (5.4 cubic meters of lead * 5 times (full well pipes’ section) = 27 cubic meters of lead).


Thank you

--- On Tue, 6/8/10, Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> wrote:

    From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
    To: "RDC-BAA-DHR" <RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil>
    Received: Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 4:18 PM

    To whom it may concern


    I thank you for your response but I can tell you that I could not upload the document to where you told me to send my submission.


    I received the following:



    Please be advised that all what I want from this, is to help you to overcoming the oil disaster in the golf of Mexico where you are trying to solve the problem.


    With this e-mail you have my letter that explains briefly the solution,


    I ask you please if you would to forward it where you wanted me to send my submission.


    I thank you in advance


    Afif Abou-Raphael


27-    ارسلت هذه الفكرة الى الادميرال ثان الن من اجل تخفيض ضغط البترول بدون الحاجة الى فتح البئر بصورة بطيئة. الملف المعلق رقم (12)
Mon, July 19, 2010 12:18:35 PM
Schematic drawing that explains how to reduce oil's pressure quickly
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact

Attached files:

Schematic drawing that explains how to reduce oil's pressure quickly.TIF (81KB)

Good Day

I know that you would like to reopen the well.

While there is a question about reducing oil pressure and more pollution as BP's responsible are talking about.

I decided to draw for you a kind of a coupling that can be connected to each valve, and then smaller pipes can be run from the new coupling in order to reduce drastically the oil pressure.

This way the cost will be lesser and the problem will be solved in an efficient way.


Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael

28-    جائتني هذه الرسالة من الضابط المسؤول عن التخطيط والتطبيق في خفر السواحل السيد (م ج سيسن) ولكن من سرفر سكرتيرته مدام بتريسيا رينولدز.
يقولون لي فيها انهم لم يستعملوا فكرتي التي ارسلتها لهم في 4 حزيران. واذا كنت اعتقد ان تكنولوجيتي استعملت من جهة اخرى فعلي ان اتصل بتلك الجهة من اجل الاعتراف الذي اطلبه.
واذا كنت اريد ان ارسل لهم افكار جديدة و كيف الطريقة لخفض ضغط البترول علي ان ارسل طلب جديد.
Mon, July 19, 2010 1:50:34 PM
Oil Spill Follow-Up
"Reynolds, Patricia CTR" <Patricia.A.Reynolds@uscg.mil>
View Contact

Dear Mr. Abou-Raphael,

The Coast Guard did not use the technology idea you submitted on 04 June 2010 with a tracking number 2002333.

If you believe your technology was used by another party, you must contact that party for recognition.

If you have other technologies you would like to submit, including schematic drawing that explains how to reduce oil's pressure quickly, you must submit them electronically at the following link:


If you have any contractual or technical questions regarding this process, please submit them to

Informational questions and associated answers (FAQs) will be periodically posted at http://homeport.uscg.mil/RDC-BAA-DHR-FAQ

The Coast Guard cannot accept ideas or questions at this address.

Thank You,
M. J. Sisson, Captain, USCG
Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Research and Development Center

29-    جوابي لهم كان قلت 4 حزيران لأنني كنت لا ادري انني ارسلت الفكرة لهم في 15 ايار وليس الى ب ب. وارسلت لهم ملف فيه كل المراسلات من البداية اي منذ 15 ايار 2020 ونسخة من اول رسالة اُرسلت بنفس الوقت الى الرئيس كلينتون.

Mon, July 19, 2010 2:08:16 PM
Re: Oil Spill Follow-Up
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact
"Reynolds, Patricia CTR" <Patricia.A.Reynolds@uscg.mil>

Attached files:

BP. All from the time I submitted the idea in May 15, 2010.pdf (3714KB)

Dear Mr. Sisson,

I said June 4th because I didn't know that my idea was sent to you on the 15th of May 2010, on this the following form that was sent to me by you:

Horizon Ideas / Alternative Response Technology / Proposes Solution Information Sheet

When I said to BP I thought that the following address was BP’s

Attached are all what I sent you in one PDF document?

And to you will see that is was sent.

Yesterday when I tried to contact the same number the first time I call after having it from BP. your department answered me. Then they called me back on my cell.

Please have a look at the attached document. You will see that my idea that was used by you with respect.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael 

From: "Reynolds, Patricia CTR" <Patricia.A.Reynolds@uscg.mil>
To: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca
Sent: Mon, July 19, 2010 2:50:34 PM
Subject: Oil Spill Follow-Up

Dear Mr. Abou-Raphael,

The Coast Guard did not use the technology idea you submitted on 04 June 2010 with a tracking number 2002333.

If you believe your technology was used by another party, you must contact that party for recognition.

If you have other technologies you would like to submit, including schematic drawing that explains how to reduce oil's pressure quickly, you must submit them electronically at the following link:


If you have any contractual or technical questions regarding this process, please submit them to

Informational questions and associated answers (FAQs) will be periodically posted at http://homeport.uscg.mil/RDC-BAA-DHR-FAQ

The Coast Guard cannot accept ideas or questions at this address.

Thank You,
M. J. Sisson, Captain, USCG
Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Research and Development Center


30-    عندما اتاني الايميل السابق الذكر، اتصلت بنفس الرقم الذي اتصلت به في 15 ايار و كنت متأكداً ان هذا رقم ب ب ولكن تبين لي انه خاص بخفر السواحل الاميركية. عندها تأكدت انني ارسلت الفكرة الى خفر السواحل في البداية اي في 15 ايار 2010.
When I received the above mentioned e-mail, I contacted the same number that I phoned in the beginning of this saga on July 15, 2010.
This number was given to me by BP, and I was told that this is the place where they take care of all submissions.
When I saw all of the arrogances at the USCG, I decided to speak to the people at the phone number (860 319 4260), I really was sure in my mined that this number is BP’s, then I decided to speak to them again.
When I phoned, the lady told me that this phone is not BP’s and continued by asking me what you want from BP. I said that I sent them the idea that stopped the spill and I need to speak to them.
Her answer was after taking my phone number and my e-mail that this information will be given to BP.

31-    ارسلت هذه الرسالة الى السيد م ج سيسن مع امضائه على احدى الرسائل في 4 حزيران وقلت له اذا اردت المزيد من الاثباتات فإعلمني.
ايضاً قلت له انني اصر على الحصول على اعترافهم بأنهم استعملوا فكرتي التي سكّرت البئر.
Mon, July 19, 2010 3:00:12 PM
To Mr. J. Sission, Captain, USCG. Fw: USCG RDC Deepwater Horizon Technical Response
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact

Attached files:

BP. All from the time I submitted the idea in May 15, 2010.pdf (3714KB)

Dear Mr. Sission

It is amazing!

Here is your signature Mr. Sission on an e-mail sent to me on June 4th.

Thank You,
M. J. Sisson, Captain, USCG
Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Research and Development Center

The 15th of May you received my idea.

 But the rest of the prove that I sent the idea to you and that what used to stop the spill

Is in the previous e-mail I already sent you, and to make sure that you have it, it is attached to the present e-mail. .

If you need the rest of the original e-mail please just let me know.

And again I would like to tell you that I still press on getting an acknowledgment that my idea was used to stop the spill.

With regards

Inventor: Afif Abou-Raphael
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: CGRDCDeepWaterHorizon <CGRDCDeepWaterHorizon@uscg.mil>
To: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca
Sent: Fri, June 4, 2010 5:13:37 PM
Subject: USCG RDC Deepwater Horizon Technical Response

Good Afternoon Mr. Abou-Raphael,

Thank you for contacting the Coast Guard Research and Development Center about your idea for the Deepwater Horizon Response effort. In order for the Coast Guard Research and Development Center to continue to review your idea, we are requesting that you submit more information via our Broad Agency Announcement HSCG32-10-R-R00019.

The submission must be made electronically at the following link:


If you have any contractual or technical questions regarding this process, please submit them to

Informational questions and associated answers (FAQs) will be periodically posted at http://homeport.uscg.mil/RDC-BAA-DHR-FAQ

Your submission status can be tracked by entering your BAA tracking number at

We look forward to receiving more information about your idea.

Thank You,
M. J. Sisson, Captain, USCG
Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Research and Development Center

32-    ارسلت هذه الرسالة الى الضابط المسؤول عن التصميم والتطبيق في خفر السواحل السيد م ج سيسن وقلت له:
زيادة على ما ارسلته لكم اسالكم والاجابة الى الشعب الامريكي وحكومته.
لماذا لم تستعملوا فكرتي حين وصلتكم في 15 ايار 2020.
كانت فكرتي لديكم منذ 15 ايار وبعدها بكم يوم ارسلت لكم تحسينات.
هل تعرف ان 71% كان بالامكان تحاشيه لولا استعملتم فكرتي منذ ان اتتكم.
انسى لما اتتكم. لماذا لا في حزيران عندما كان حوالي 100000 برميل بترول يخرجون من البئر ليلوثوا منطقة الخليج.
هل هناك من عذر.
سيد سيسن كنت قد قلت لكم انني لست وراء المال، ولكن على الاقل يجب ان تكونوا شرفاء وتعترفوا بحقيقة ما ارسلت لكم.
لا تنسى ان الشعب الامريكي سوف يسألكم مع كل من تخاذل في تطبيق فكرتي طويلاً قبل 15 تموز.
عد الايام من 15 ايار الى 15 تموز.
Mon, July 19, 2010 3:26:30 PM
Fw: To Mr. J. Sission, Captain, USCG. Fw: USCG RDC Deepwater Horizon Technical Response
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact

Attached files:

BP. All from the time I submitted the idea in May 15, 2010.pdf (3714KB)

On top of what I sent you Mr. Sission

Now I am asking you to answer the American public and government:

Why didn’t you use it when you received it on May 15, 2010?
You had my idea since May 15, 2010, and after a few days I sent you more information to upgrade it

Do you know that about 71% of the damages of the spill could have been avoided, if my idea was applied when you received it?

Never mind when you received it, what about in June, when, about 100000 barrel of oil were flowing in the ocean and polluting all over the gulf region.

Is there an excuse for that too?

Mr. Sission, I told you that I was not after money but at least you have to be honest by telling the truth of what I already have sent you.

Don’t forget the American public is going to question you and the responsibles that didn’t apply my idea long before the spill was shut off in mid July. Count it, how many days went by from May 15, 2010 till July 15. 2010.


Inventor: Afif Abou-Raphael

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: CGRDCDeepWaterHorizon@uscg.mil
Sent: Mon, July 19, 2010 4:00:12 PM
Subject: To Mr. J. Sission, Captain, USCG. Fw: USCG RDC Deepwater Horizon Technical Response
Dear Mr. Sission

It is amazing!

Here is your signature Mr. Sission on an e-mail sent to me on June 4th.

Thank You,
M. J. Sisson, Captain, USCG
Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Research and Development Center

The 15th of May you received my idea.

 But the rest of the prove that I sent the idea to you and that what used to stop the spill

Is in the previous e-mail I already sent you, and to make sure that you have it, it is attached to the present e-mail. .

If you need the rest of the original e-mail please just let me know.

And again I would like to tell you that I still press on getting an acknowledgment that my idea was used to stop the spill.

With regards

Inventor: Afif Abou-Raphael
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: CGRDCDeepWaterHorizon <CGRDCDeepWaterHorizon@uscg.mil>
To: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca
Sent: Fri, June 4, 2010 5:13:37 PM
Subject: USCG RDC Deepwater Horizon Technical Response

Good Afternoon Mr. Abou-Raphael,

Thank you for contacting the Coast Guard Research and Development Center about your idea for the Deepwater Horizon Response effort. In order for the Coast Guard Research and Development Center to continue to review your idea, we are requesting that you submit more information via our Broad Agency Announcement HSCG32-10-R-R00019.

The submission must be made electronically at the following link:


If you have any contractual or technical questions regarding this process, please submit them to

Informational questions and associated answers (FAQs) will be periodically posted at http://homeport.uscg.mil/RDC-BAA-DHR-FAQ

Your submission status can be tracked by entering your BAA tracking number at

We look forward to receiving more information about your idea.

Thank You,
M. J. Sisson, Captain, USCG
Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Research and Development Center

33-    عندما رأيت كذبهم ومحاولاتهم البائسة. قررت ان اتصل بهم على الهاتف. لم يجاوب احد تركت مساج لمدام رينولدز مع رقم هاتفي. وفي اليوم التالي اتصلت والظاهر انها كانت تجهل مع من سوف تتكلم. ولما جاوبت تفاجئت وسكرت الهاتف بوجهي فقط عندما عرّفت عن نفسي.
When I saw all of their arrogances, I decided to speak to them.
I called the same number and I got no answer.
Then I left a message to Madam Reynolds because I received Mr. Session’s previous answer from her server;
From: "Reynolds, Patricia CTR" Patricia.A.Reynolds@uscg.mil
The next day, I received a phone call, and when I answered, I felt the lady on the other end surprised apparently to hear my voice because before when I call the same number she answered.
I said when she didn’t speak; “It is me, Afif Abou-Raphael”.
Then all what I heard was a loud sound of the hung up of the phone.
Then I sent Madame Reynolds the following e-mail.

34-    بعدما اقفلت الهاتف بوجهي ارسلت هذه الرسالة الى مدام رينولدز:
بعدما عرفتي انني المخترع عفيف ابورفائيل اقفلتي الهاتف بوجهي، والان اني اكتب لك هذه الرسالة شخصياً واقول لك انه غير لائق اقفال الهاتف بوجه شخص ساعدكم انتم الاميركان للمحافظة على بيئتكم بإعطائكم الحل للكارثة التي لوثت كامل منطقة خليج المكسيك.
لماذا اقفلتي الهاتف بهذه السرعة بوجهي؟
ممكن لأنني ارسلت لكم الاثباتات انكم استعملتوا فكرتي لإقفال البئر في 15 تموز 2010 والفكرة كنت قد ارسلتها لكم في 15 ايار وهي من اختراعي لسنة 1982.
اقولها كمان انني أب تلك الفكرة التي استعملتوها.
اذا كنتم تعتقدون انها ليست فكرتي، ازجوكم ان تقولوا لي من اين اتيتون بها؟ وبنفس الوقت اني اتحداكم ان تظهروا من اين اتت ومتى؟
واذا قلتم انها كنت لديكم قبل 15 ايار، فالسؤال هو:
اذا كنتم قد اخترعتم هذه الفكرة، يعني انكم كنتم تعلمون لماذا تستعمل؟
لذا لماذا لم تستعملوها بين 15 ايار و قليلاً قبل ان تستعمل في 15 تموز، او قبل 15 ايار 2010.
هنا احب ان اذكركم ماذا كتبتم في اسفل الطلب الذي ارسلتموه لي:
اذا الفكرة كانت قد ارسلت لنا قبل ان تصلنا فكرتك فتصبح فكرتك لاغية.
اذاً، اذا كنتم لم تحصلوا على الفكرة التي استعملتموها في 15 تموز 2010 قبل 15 ايار 2010 اذاً عندي الحق الكامل بأن تعترفوا مع اي شخص آخر بأن الفكرة فكرتي.
هل تعرفين مدام رينولدز ان 61 يوماً مرّوا قبل ان تستعملوا فكرتي لسد البئر الملوث. وان حوالي 71% من التلوث كان بالامكان تجنبه لولا استعملتم فكرتي عندما استلمتونها مني.
هذه الرسالة ارسلت لكم من اجل الرجوع الى العقل، لأنكم تتعاملون مع شخص لا يترك احدا ان يهضم حقوقه. وهذا هو للتاريخ.
اتمنى ان اسمع منكم قريباً جداً

Tue, July 20, 2010 9:33:52 AM
After you closed the phone. w: Oil Spill Follow-Up
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact


BP. All from the time I submitted the idea in May 15, 2010.pdf (3714KB)

Dear Madame Reynolds

After you closed the phone in my face this morning when you knew that you are talking to me (the Inventor AFIF ABOU-RAPHAEL).
I am writing this to you personally to tell you that it is not like this you treat somebody who helped you Americans to save your environment by providing you the right solution to stop the ongoing disaster that polluted the entire gulf area.
Why you closed the phone abruptly and that fast in my face?
Probably because I sent you prove that it is my idea that you used to kill the spill on July 15, 2010 and that was sent to you on May 15, 2010, and that comes from my patent of the 1982.
I say again that I am the father of the idea that you used.
But if you pretend that the idea does not come from me, would you please tell me from where you got it, and at the same time, I dare you showing from where it came and when.
If you will say that you have it before May 15, 2010, then the question to you will be;
If you invented this idea it means; you knew what was the purpose of it.
So, why didn’t you use it between May 15, 2010 and little before it was applied on July 15, 2010. Or even before May 15, 2010.
Here I would like to remind you what you have in the bottom of the application on which I sent you the first information how to stop the pill for ever.
Your Idea, Alternative Response Technology or Proposed Solution will be reviewed and we will inform you of any further action should we require your support. Please understand that your solution may have already been proposed by another party or attempted.
Horizon Form: Alternative Response Technology - Rev 1- May 07 2010 12:03
Then if nobody has sent you the solution that you used on July 15, 2010 before the 15th of may 2010. Thus I have the total right to have my idea recognized by you and everybody else.
Do you know Madame Reynolds that 61 days went by before you applying the solution on the polluting well? And about 71% of the spill could have been avoided if my idea was to be applied right away when you got it from me.
This letter is sent to you to realize the logic of the issue, because you are dealing with somebody who does not let anybody step on his rights, and for the records.
Hope to hear from you very soon
Inventor: Afif Abou-Raphael

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: "Reynolds, Patricia CTR" <Patricia.A.Reynolds@uscg.mil>
Sent: Mon, July 19, 2010 3:08:16 PM
Subject: Re: Oil Spill Follow-Up
Dear Mr. Sisson,

I said June 4th because I didn't know that my idea was sent to you on the 15th of May 2010, on this the following form that was sent to me by you:

Horizon Ideas / Alternative Response Technology / Proposes Solution Information Sheet
When I said to BP I thought that the following address was BP’s
Attached are all what I sent you in one PDF document?
And to you will see that is was sent.
Yesterday when I tried to contact the same number the first time I call after having it from BP. your department answered me. Then they called me back on my cell.
Please have a look at the attached document. You will see that my idea that was used by you with respect.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael 

From: "Reynolds, Patricia CTR" <Patricia.A.Reynolds@uscg.mil>
To: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca
Sent: Mon, July 19, 2010 2:50:34 PM
Subject: Oil Spill Follow-Up

Dear Mr. Abou-Raphael,

The Coast Guard did not use the technology idea you submitted on 04 June 2010 with a tracking number 2002333.

If you believe your technology was used by another party, you must contact that party for recognition.

If you have other technologies you would like to submit, including schematic drawing that explains how to reduce oil's pressure quickly, you must submit them electronically at the following link:


If you have any contractual or technical questions regarding this process, please submit them to

Informational questions and associated answers (FAQs) will be periodically posted at http://homeport.uscg.mil/RDC-BAA-DHR-FAQ

The Coast Guard cannot accept ideas or questions at this address.

Thank You,
M. J. Sisson, Captain, USCG
Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Research and Development Center


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