الأحد، 15 نوفمبر 2015

وثائق تثبت قيام الرئيس الامريكي بالنصب والاحتيال علي المخترع العربي عفيف ابو رافايل رقم 4


هذا الايميل الذي حمل الى الرئيس اوباما فاتورة تلفوني التي تثبت اتصالي بدكتور بي
Sun, August 8, 2010 1:27:28 PM
Fw: From Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael. about Oil spell in the golf of Mexico (BP)
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact
President Barack Obama <president@messages.whitehouse.gov>


3 Files  View Slideshow  Download All
OIl well's plug. (Golf of Mexico.JPG (43KB); Dr. Bea. Proof of the phone call on May 29.pdf (61KB); bp-waits-to-see if top kill will stop oil leak. May 29. 10.pdf (130KB)

From Inventor: Afif Abou-Raphael
To: Mr. President Obama
Dear Mr. President
I am sending you the following in order to clarify the issue that me is for sure the late night caller to Dr. Bea.
Now I have found the copy of my telephone bill that shows my real activities on my home phone 819 776 0443 during the month of May 2010, and that shows without any doubt whatsoever that I am the late night caller to Dr. Bea as he said on May 29, 2010.
But, when I heard Dr. Bea saying an anonymous caller, I thought that I did call him through a calling card, because I use a lot of calling cards.
But when I double checked my achieves my documents, I discovered the bill dated June 2, 2010 that has the details of my specific calls to Dr. Bea. (See please the following and the attached bill from Teksavvy my phone and internet provider).
It seems that when I got the real timing of my calls to Dr. Bea, the picture came back very clear in my mind, and the following are the details;
My calls were made to Dr. Bea on May 29, 2010 at his home phone no: 925 631 1587
From my home No: 819 776 0443, in order to let Dr. Bea see my number, if he wanted to call me back. In addition, I remember too, leaving my telephone number and my e-mail address in the content of my message.
Through the first call I left Br. Bea the message on his answering machine that describes briefly my device.
1-      123983 2010/05/29 10:53:42 9256311587 143 sec MORAGA 0.07
the first call was done at 10:53:42 AM, Ottawa local time or 7:53:42 California local time. (See please the copy of my attached phone bill).
Apparently the call was during Dr. Bea’s sleep. That is why he said a late night caller).
The second call was done about a minute after my e-mail was sent to Dr. Bea’s e-mail address.
(E-mail timing, May 29, 2010 12:16 PM, Ottawa local time or 9:12:16 California local time).
Second call timing
2-  123983 2010/05/29 12:17:59 9256311587 170 sec MORAGA 0.08 (See please the copy of my attached phone bill).
During my second call to him, I wanted him to read the e-mail while I am on the phone.
But, he replied that he is in a harry to leaving the house. Thus I confirmed to him that he already has the e-mail from me that has a brief description and a sketch of the proposed devise and the net address of my invention of the 1982.
Thus, I am amazed when Dr. Bea says; “he received a call from an anonymous caller”!
How can I be an anonymous when my phone number is shown on his telephone screen?
And it is in the e-mail he received surely, because he sent the sketch that I sent him to the USCG as he said it himself.
What is left for the real definite proof, is to get Dr. Bea to showing his achieves, or to look into the achieves of the USCG that has to have the forwarded sketch. (Dr. Bea’s affirmation in the press).
Afif Abou-Raphael
Note 1:
Here is Dr. Bea coordinates’ net address:

--- On Sat, 5/29/10, Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> wrote:

From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
Subject: From Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael. about Oil spell in the golf of Mexico (BP)
To: "bea@ce.berkeley.edu" <bea@ce.berkeley.edu>
Received: Saturday, May 29, 2010, 12:16 PM
Good morning Dr. Bea
I read in a paper that you are interested in oil drilling and lately you said that what BP is doing to kill the well does not look promising.
For that I have called you and left a message for you, telling you that I am an inventor for a plug for oil wells here is it link to the Canadian Patent Office
It is in French, but if we can speak on the phone I can explain anything you would like to ask for.
This device is not more than another pipe that can be introduced easily in the well's pipe at ground level:
1-    The pipe has an upper part that stays outside of the ground, because the lower part can be as long as we need,
2-    The upper part has enough valves (in number or size) that let oil pass through it during the installation,
3-    The lower part has on the outside kind of hydraulic cylinders capable to compress seals at many levels, where first the steel seals can go in the
Oilwell’s pipe to strengthen the plug with the oil well’s pipe,
4-    When the plug is affixed, then we action the cupper, rubber seals or else to seal between the two pipes.
5-    When this is done then we start closing the outside vales, where when this is done, the pipe can be reused normally.
6-    This plug can be ready to be used in future drillings if any thing similar happens.
I have a colored drawing But I couldn't send it with this e-mail,
Please send me if you wish an e-mail address that can take attachments
Afif Abou-Raphael
Cell. 613 853 2615

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  OIl well's plug. (Golf of Mexico.JPG


هذا الايميل الذي حمل ردي على خفر السواحل الى مدام فرلوبي في السفارة الاميركية في اوتاوا
Wed, August 11, 2010 8:59:36 AM
I am sending you this e-mail to inform you that my e-mail was highjacked since Monday morning, and my e-mails were rerooted to the highjacker.
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact

Dr. Elias Masri <eliasmasri1@aol.com>

Good morning Madame Verloop

I am sending you this e-mail to inform you that my e-mail was high jacked since Monday morning, and my e-mails were rerouted to the highjacker.

But since a few minutes ago I got to stop the wrong forwarding and get back to receiving my mail normally.

At the same time I would appreciate hearing from you about my case with the USCG.


Afif Abou-Raphael

ارسلت هذا الايميل الى مدام فرلوبي اسألها اين صرنا. ولم تجاوبني
Tue, August 17, 2010 5:05:37 PM
I am still waiting to hearing from you. please. Fw: 32. Fw: my idea that was used to stop the spill. Fw: More proof (Dr. Bea). Fw: From Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael. about Oil spell in the golf of Mexico (BP)
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact
"Verloop, Marja D" <VerloopMD@state.gov>

Good day Madame Verloop

I am still waiting to hearing from you.

I understand you said in your e-mail that if you hear from them you will contact me.

But what about when they are trying to fabricate things to not recognize that they received the solution from me and they used it. (See please My answer to the USCG and that you received a copy a few weeks ago.

I thing Madame Verloop you have read my answer to their fabricated lies.

I hope to hearing from you soon.

I would like to hear from you, what is the official answer to my help toward the United States of America, to eradicating the spill and helping in saving the environment of the Gulf region.

Don’t forget please that I did it before God but still I need a piece of paper that has a few good words of thankful for providing the solution that was used to eradicate the spill from its source, and you see now the results/

Hope to hear from you soon  

Afif Abou-Raphael

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "Verloop, Marja D" <VerloopMD@state.gov>
To: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
Sent: Fri, July 30, 2010 4:10:44 PM
Subject: RE: 32. Fw: my idea that was used to stop the spill. Fw: More proof (Dr. Bea). Fw: From Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael. about Oil spell in the golf of Mexico (BP)
Mr. Abou-Raphael –

I have received your 32 emails with dozens of attachments.  After I have a chance to review them next week, I will forward your concerns to the Coast Guard and see if I can get any further response.  I will be in contact if I hear anything further.  
Regards, Marja Verloop

Marja Verloop
Counselor for Energy and Environment
U.S. Embassy Ottawa
Tel: 613.688.5210
Fax: 613.688.3087

From: Afif Abou-Raphael [mailto:afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca]
Sent: July 30, 2010 3:59 PM
To: Verloop, Marja D
Subject: 32. Fw: my idea that was used to stop the spill. Fw: More proof (Dr. Bea). Fw: From Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael. about Oil spell in the golf of Mexico (BP)

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: CGRDCDeepWaterHorizon@uscg.mil
Cc: Patricia.A.Reynolds@uscg.mil
Sent: Sat, July 24, 2010 9:55:29 PM
Subject: More proof (Dr. Bea). Fw: From Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael. about Oil spell in the golf of Mexico (BP)
Dear Mr. Session and Madame Reynolds

Here is another big proof that you used my idea.

Please go to the logic and admit that me is your Top Kill’s father.

With respect

Inaventor: Afif Abou-Raphael
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil
Cc: bea@ce.berkeley.edu
Sent: Sat, July 24, 2010 3:54:14 PM
Subject: Fw: From Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael. about Oil spell in the golf of Mexico (BP)
To whom it may concern

From the inventor Afif Abou-Raphael

Attached are what I found on the net
The e-mail that I sent Dr. Bea longtime before you applied my idea.

I ask you please to read well the document what Dr. Bea Said.

And he proves that he sent it right away to you at the US cost Guard.

I am not going to writ to much. I leave to you to understand that, it is me Afif Abou-Raphael who provided the idea to you directly and indirectly.

Please, thing soundly and take your decision fast to admiting that me Afif Abou-Raphael is the father of your Top Kill  


Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael

Note: Even yesterday I phoned Dr. Bea and he told me; "good bless every one like you". 

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: bea@ce.berkeley.edu
Cc: Max Keeping <mkeeping@ctv.ca>
Sent: Sat, July 17, 2010 12:36:56 AM
Subject: From Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael. about Oil spell in the golf of Mexico (BP)
Good morning Dr. Bea

Since I didn’t hear from you after I spoke to you on the phone and sent you all about my submission to plug the BP's oil well in the gulf of Mexico.

I am sending you this note to tell you that my complete idea was used by BP to stop the spill. Now I am in contact with the US Coast Guard regarding their use of my idea.

Hope to hear from you.


Inventor: Afif Abou-Raphael 

--- On Sat, 5/29/10, Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> wrote:

From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
Subject: From Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael. about Oil spell in the golf of Mexico (BP)
To: "bea@ce.berkeley.edu" <bea@ce.berkeley.edu>
Received: Saturday, May 29, 2010, 12:16 PM
Good morning Dr. Bea
I read in a paper that you are interested in oil drilling and lately you said that what BP is doing to kill the well does not look promising.
For that I have called you and left a message for you, telling you that I am an inventor for a plug for oil wells here is it link to the Canadian Patent Office
It is in French, but if we can speak on the phone I can explain anything you would like to ask for.
This device is not more than another pipe that can be introduced easily in the well's pipe at ground level:
1-    The pipe has an upper part that stays outside of the ground, because the lower part can be as long as we need,
2-    The upper part has enough valves (in number or size) that let oil pass through it during the installation,
3-    The lower part has on the outside kind of hydraulic cylinders capable to compress seals at many levels, where first the steel seals can go in the
Oilwell’s pipe to strengthen the plug with the oil well’s pipe,
4-    When the plug is affixed, then we action the cupper, rubber seals or else to seal between the two pipes.
5-    When this is done then we start closing the outside vales, where when this is done, the pipe can be reused normally.
6-    This plug can be ready to be used in future drillings if any thing similar happens.
I have a colored drawing But I couldn't send it with this e-mail,
Please send me if you wish an e-mail address that can take attachments
Afif Abou-Raphael
Cell. 613 853 2615

هذا الايميل جائني من سيد بيكز من السفارة الاميركية والذي اخذ محل مدام فرلوبي
Fri, August 20, 2010 3:29:44 PM
U.S. Embassy contact
"Biggs, David A" <BiggsDA@state.gov>
Add to Contacts

Mr. Afif Abou-Raphael,

Greetings, Ms. Marja Verloop has passed this issue on to me, along with all of the emails and attachments that you have provided. She is currently heavily involved in other pressing duties and will not be able to focus on this issue going forward. I will, therefore, be your point of contact.

Please be aware that we can act merely as a conduit of information on this subject, and in that capacity we have done all that we are able. Unless BP or the U.S. Coast Guard chooses to involve us, we can offer you no new news or information. If they do send us any information concerning your claim, though, I will let you know immediately.

David Biggs
Science and Technology Officer
U.S. Embassy Ottawa
Tel: (613) 688-5352
Fax: (613) 688-3087

This email is UNCLASSIFIED.

هذا الايميل ارسلته الى السيد بيكز بعدما لم يعاود الإتصال بي. وطلبت منهم ان يعطوني الجنسية الفخرية اذا كان هذا يساعد على حل مشكلتهم
Tue, September 7, 2010 7:06:56 AM
Re: U.S. Embassy contact
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact
David ABiggs <BiggsDA@state.gov>

Good morning Mr. Biggs

I would like to ask you please;

Where am I now with the answer from the USCG after their falsifications of wrong allegations in their hard letter that I received on July 30, 2010.

My idea that I sent to them and that was used by BP to eradicate the biggest and worse spill ever, deserves to be recognized after all.

Please, I thing that ignoring my repeated demands to recognize that they used my idea is not fair from an official body of the most powerful country in the word.

They were crying to receiving a solution. And, when they received the right one and they used it effectively, now they are trying to fabricate the mentioned lies in order to deny my rights.

Please here I would like to offer you that if you wish to have an American to be the person who provided the solution;

I am proud to receive an honorary American Citizenship in order to show that a proud American provided the solution after all!

Hope to hear from you soon.


Afif Abou-Raphael

--- On Fri, 8/20/10, Biggs, David A <BiggsDA@state.gov> wrote:

From: Biggs, David A <BiggsDA@state.gov>
Subject: U.S. Embassy contact
To: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca
Received: Friday, August 20, 2010, 4:29 PM
Mr. Afif Abou-Raphael,

Greetings, Ms. Marja Verloop has passed this issue on to me, along with all of the emails and attachments that you have provided. She is currently heavily involved in other pressing duties and will not be able to focus on this issue going forward. I will, therefore, be your point of contact.
Please be aware that we can act merely as a conduit of information on this subject, and in that capacity we have done all that we are able. Unless BP or the U.S. Coast Guard chooses to involve us, we can offer you no new news or information. If they do send us any information concerning your claim, though, I will let you know immediately.
David Biggs
Science and Technology Officer
U.S. Embassy Ottawa
Tel: (613) 688-5352
Fax: (613) 688-3087

This email is UNCLASSIFIED.


54A- Washongton Post
هذا الايميل الذي ارسلته الى الواشنطن بوست. وتحديداً الى السيد ديفد هامر.
جواب السيد هامر كان هاتفياً وهو ان الواشنطن بوست مشغولة كثيراً بأشيا اُخرى

Fri, October 1, 2010 2:00:38 PM
1- From Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael. According to our today's conversation I am forwarding to you all of the e-mail Fw: 2/2 This is the e-mail that has the proof of that I am the man who provided BP the solution for the spill, through the USCG. Fw: RE: After you closed the phone. w: Oil Spill Follow-Up
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact

28 Files  Download All
Monday, July 12, 2010 9-00 AM.pdf (65KB); Friday, July 16, 2010 9-41 AM.pdf (88KB); Friday, July 16, 2010 4-24 PM.pdf (65KB); Saturday, July 17, 2010 2-38 PM.pdf (75KB); Saturday, July 17, 2010 3-19 PM.pdf (44KB); Sunday, July 18, 2010 10-35 AM.pdf (54KB); Sunday, July 18, 2010 1-39 PM.pdf (81KB); Monday, July 19, 2010 1-18 PM.pdf (47KB); Monday, July 19, 2010 2-50 PM.pdf (44KB); Monday, July 19, 2010 3-08 PM.pdf (75KB); Monday, July 19, 2010 4-00 PM.pdf (72KB); Monday, July 19, 2010 4-26 PM.pdf (77KB); Wednesday, July 21, 2010 6-42 PM.pdf (89KB); Wednesday, July 21, 2010 6-57 PM.pdf (93KB); Wednesday, July 21, 2010 9-12 AM.pdf (57KB); Wednesday, July 21, 2010 11-17 AM.pdf (71KB); Wednesday, July 21, 2010 11-22 AM.pdf (66KB); Dr.Bea. Original e-mail.from Afif To Dr. Bea.pdf (28KB); For BP. 1. Proposal to stop the spell.pdf (36KB); RECEIVED FROM uscg. JULY 30, 2010.pdf (827KB); CIPO - Patent - 1117864.pdf (28KB); News paper's article. us_gulf_oil_spi. using my method.pdf (231KB); RECEIVED FROM uscg. JULY 30, 2010.pdf (827KB); Sent to USCG. I AM THE MYSTERY MAN BEHIND THE TOP KILL July 27, 2010.pdf (108KB); Study of the added pollution. BP's spill in Gulf of Mexico.pdf (27KB); WHAT Dr. Bea SAID AFTER SEEYING THE TOP KILL LOWERED INTO THE WELL..pdf (43KB); Sent To President Clinton. July 21, 2010.pdf (28KB); Professor Robert Bea _ Contact.pdf (30KB)

Dear Mr. David
According to our today's conversation I am forwarding to you all of the e-mail that I had with the US Coast Guard concerning BP’s oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico .
As you will see, they received my solution since May 15, 2010, but sadly they didn’t know what kind of technology it was until around mid July 2010.
I developed the solution by making a slight change to the lower part of my patent http://brevets-patents.ic.gc.ca/opic-cipo/cpd/eng/patent/1117864/summary.html
of the 1982 that I had invented it in 1979 after I went to Mexico personally and offered the same solution to the accidental oil well of that time EXTOC ONE (because the well pipe’s was not built according to my original patent’s specifications that can be the safe solution for future offshore drillings).
Again sadly the Mexicans didn’t know what it was and they got stuck with the spill for more then 9 months. (See please the forwarded e-mails for more information, or the following net sites where you can read the story behind my invention and more).
Now, only after 61 days since they received the idea (Drawings, explanation of know how) and after the spill grew about 71%, my idea was applied a 100% to stop and eradicate the spill for ever within hours since July 15, 2010, and that what I was telling everybody from the beginning.
Sadly, and after repeated demands to the USCG to recognize that they used my idea, I received no answer but fabricated lies in order to deny my right to having only a thank you note. (See please my answer to their lies in the ATTACHED LETTER to this e-mail that was sent to PRESIDENT OBAMA).
In order to have the USCG to recognizing that they used my idea and stop the issue there;
I contacted the US Embassy in Ottawa and sent them all of the e-mails that I had with the USCG, in addition to sending the same Profs to President Obama through the following e-mail
. Again I had no answer from the embassy or from the White House.
I had posted briefs on the net where some they stayed till now, but most (More than 90%) of what I posted on the USCG’s site was deleted.
I contacted Mr. Patric Jonsson of the Christian Science Monitor who wrote about the MYSTERY PLUMBER who was the talk of the USA around July 15, 2010 and sent him all of the proofs in addition to my CV that you will be receiving it too. But Mr. Jonsson refused to write anything while he wrote about the mystery plumber.
Here I am writing to you, first of all because I know that the Washington post is honest and does not refuse any real story especially when it concerns the American people and their wellbeing in addition to their environment and their honesty.
The question that comes often to my mind is;
How the USCG, the White House or any official who is concerned, do not response to me when I am accusing High Responsible of an Official Body of fabricating lies in order to deny my right of have a little note of thank you after they used my idea that saved the Gulf region of the USA from a much bigger disaster, and saved BP from a real bankruptcy and from an economical disaster.
Here, I am challenging the USCG to prove me wrong and show the technical drawing of what they applied and what they received from me and from Dr. Bea.
And, if I am not saying the truce they can bring me before Justice.
Inventor: Afif Abou-Raphael

--- On Wed, 8/4/10, Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> wrote:

From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
Subject: 2/2 This is the e-mail that has the proof of that I am the man who provided BP the solution for the spill, through the USCG. Fw: RE: After you closed the phone. w: Oil Spill Follow-Up
To: president@messages.whitehouse.gov
Received: Wednesday, August 4, 2010, 12:58 PM
Dear Mr. President

This is the e-mail that has the proof that I am the man who provided BP the solution for the spill, through the USCG.


Afif Agou-Raphael

--- On Sat, 7/31/10, Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> wrote:

From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
Subject: Fw: RE: After you closed the phone. w: Oil Spill Follow-Up
To: RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil, CGRDCDeepWaterHorizon@uscg.mil, Patricia.A.Reynolds@uscg.mil, "President Bill Clinton" <enews@clintonfoundation.org>
Cc: VerloopMD@state.gov, jonssonp@csmonitor.com, newstips@wbztv.com, "Dr. Elias Masri" <eliasmasri1@aol.com>
Received: Saturday, July 31, 2010, 11:34 AM

Date: July 30, 2010
Subject: My fast plugging device for pressurized oil wells as patented since 1982, and that I modified it to suit the Horizon BP’s well in the Gulf of Mexico, and that was used by the US COAST GUARD and BP to stop the spill and that still holding.
From: Inventor: Afif Abou-Raphael
To: Contracting Officer /s/
USCG R&D Center
Today the 30th of May, 2010, I have just received your hard letter that includes two pages. (See please attached letter).                                                                                                                                                  
Page 1-       In the first one, you say the following:
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
Subject:      Tracking #2002333; USCG BAA HSCG32-10-R-R00019 Initial Screening
Sent:          7/18/2010 8:33: AM
The following recipient(s) cannot be reached:
There was a SMTP communication problem with the recipient’s email server. Please contact your administrator.
<smtp-mailhub-1.uscg.mil #5.5 .0 smtp;554 delivery error: dd This user doesn’t have a yahoo.com account (afifabouraphael@yahoo.com) [-5] – mta1069.mil.sp2.yahoo.com>
       Page 2-      In the second page you say the following:
The initial Screening of your White Paper submitted under Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) HSCG32-10-R-R00019 has been Completed. A final determination has been made that your White Paper submission is not needed to support the requirements of this BAA;
Unfortunately, due to the volume of White Paper submissions, further communication regarding this determination cannot be provided.
We thank you for the time and effort you put into your response and appreciate your interest in supporting the Deepwater Horizon Response effort.
Contracting Officer /s/
USCG R&D Center
3-         You sent me your letter to a wrong address. But luckily the area code was good so I did receive the letter normally.
My answer to this letter:
In the Beginning, I am putting here the signature of Mr. Sisson that I have just received it on July 19, 2010 at 2:50 PM. And this e-mail was originated from Madame Patricia Reynolds e-mail’s server, for Mr.  M. J. Sission, Captain, USCG, Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Research and Development Center. (See Please the following and the attached e-mail dated Monday, July 19, 2010 2:50 PM)
Oil Spill Follow-Up
Monday, July 19, 2010 2:50 PM
"Reynolds, Patricia CTR" <Patricia.A.Reynolds@uscg.mil>
Thank You,
M. J. Sisson, Captain, USCG
Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Research and Development Center
Firstly, from these pages I know that Mr. Sisson who wrote me this letter.
Because I had many e-mails with him lately in addition to many e-mails previously. And Mr. Sission was the first person at the USCG from whom I received the first e-mail at my right address; AFIFABOURAPHAEL@YAHOO.CA, on which the letter is sent today.
To answer this allegation, that I don’t have a yahoo. Com.
It is very true that I don’t have a yahoo.com address and you all know it.
Just look a few lines above and you see the address to where you have sent me one e-mail. But when?
Just one day after your pretentions. (Your Letter is dated July 18, 2010).
And for more e-mails proof that you know pretty well my real e-mail address, just see please the attached e-mails that I have attached them for prove that you are fabricating your story).
On top of that, I have received many e-mails from you before the date of your hard letter that shows July 18, 2010, and amazingly I received an e-mail on July 21, 2010 at 9:12 AM long after that date of July 18, 2010, at my right address that is afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca, and you are pretending that I don’t have a good address.
Please tell me, how can you put these false allegations together? Don’t you see that they don’t stand right?
But the amazing issue in your fabricated wrong story; is that in your hard letter of July 18, 2010 that you sent me to a wrong address but with the right Postal code, you said “your White Paper submission is not needed to support the requirements of this BAA”.
While in your e-mail of July 21st to me you say;
“Thank you for your interest in the Deepwater Horizon Response effort.
In response to your email, we did not forward your White Paper submission to the Unified Area Command.
Again, we appreciate your interest in supporting the Deepwater Horizon Response effort.
Contracting Officer /s/
So, here I can say that you are fabricating things to escape from where you have put yourself into trouble, or to take the credit of the success of the eradication of the spill.
Secondly, your refusal of my submission is not accepted, because my White Paper was sent to the USCG on May 15, 2010, and it was used to plug the spill, without any doubt what so ever.
How can this be, on July 18th you told me in a hard letter that “your White Paper submission is not needed to support the requirements of this BAA”; and three days after you tell me that; “we did not forward your White Paper submission to the Unified Area Command”.
For that I tell you that your fabricated story does not stand.
While a lot of updating followed my submission of May 15th, 2010, without forgetting the forwarding that Dr. Robert Bea did to the USCG, as he said to the press. (See please attached document).
Dr. Bea received from me a late night call in which I left a message on his answering machine with a brief description of my solution to the biggest spill. See please the attached document and revise your records where you will see the original copy of Dr. Bea’s e-mail. If you don’t find it and you need to see it another time, than, you can check with the American Embassy in Ottawa , they have all 32 e-mail between you all and me.
You met Dr. Bea in Washington in May some times, and you have a lot of respect for him and his ideas.
You received from him what I sent him. But he said that this came from an anonymous caller, what about the e-mail in witch I sent him the drawing. (See please attached documents).
So, the technology you used to build your TOP KILL is mine, and you got it directly and indirectly from me.
And, to tell me that my White Paper submission is not needed to support the requirements of this BAA, after you used it a % , and the spill is totally eradicated from the source, is totally an empty talk.
My advice to you is that;
This fabrication comes late, specifically because the TOP KILL that you applied to shut of the spill, is a % what I drew and I explained to you in my letters.
You are trying to eradicate me from the picture, after I have contacted you for a recognition that you used my idea to stop the spill, and after you told me that you didn’t send the white paper, that brought to you my harsh answer, when I told you that; you are irresponsible in your duty toward the American people and Government.
The idea you received and you used comes from my patent of the 1982. (See please the Attached document)
So, you are telling me that you are returning the best idea ever that you used, and keeping the entire ineffective ones, from about 300000 submissions in order to prove that no one of the remaining ones was good enough, for you to go for the harness of the actual positive results.
Good thing, again I can tell you that you are proving clearly your ineffectiveness for the job that is given to you by the USCG.
Thus, Instead of thanking me, you are telling me to go to hill some how.
Is this your way to thank somebody who offered you his good idea to use it free of charge?
And the only thing I am asking for is a little piece of paper just to have it in my CV.
Again I would like to tell you that, when the honest Dr. Bea said to the press that the device that was used to plug the well, looked so much alike to the one he received from the late night caller, apparently the issue almost brought him to tires as it was said in the paper. (See please the attached document).
By the way, Dr. Bea apparently said lately to a reporter from the Christian Science Monitor that, he is not going to speak about the issue anymore. Well, tell me why????
My friends, I can tell you this:
Don’t go in a million roads to trying to hide from the truth. Admit once for all that you used my idea, and you don’t want to say thank you to the INVENTOR AFIF ABOU-RAPHAEL, the generous and bright man who saved the Gulf area of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and probably the coasts of many other counties.
Between May 15, 2010, and July 21, 2010, I sent you many e-mails and received many from you, on afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca.
But here, I should mention that, you are the commander of the R&D center at the coast guard, and most if not all of my e-mails went to your center.
But, sadly I can tell you that you didn’t have a clue what was the technology that you had in your hand, and you delayed its application 61 days, while the spill grew 71%.
But luckily, the intervention of Dr. Bea may have done the difference in your late decision.
I ask you here; how can you be that irresponsible ant not sending a miracle solution to where it can take the right attention. I know you didn’t like my answer that shows your lake of duty and ineffectiveness.
So now, you are preparing yourself with others like Madame Reynolds to put up a scenario that can deny my rights in having recognition of my goodness toward the American people.
Don’t forget that I did it to you before god, just for the wellbeing of the American people and their environment.
You dated your letters May 18, 2010, and if you don’t know, the 18th is a Sunday. But the stamp on the letter is May 23, 2010. Just this, shows that you are trying to fabricate evidences that takes you nowhere, but to troubles with your superiors!
I won’t be surprised if you lose you job because of your malicious attitude.
I said it, and again I am saying it to you now; just go back to your logic and admit it that you used my idea fully, and you are proud of it and the man who invented it since 1979 and got his patent in 1082, that helped and saved BP by stopping the spill in hours when it was applied..
Note: If you want to answer me by e-mail, just send your answer to the address you know and you always used it to contacting me, specifically before this fabrication on July 21st 3 days before you wrote your letter. My conclusion is that you wrote the letter on July 23rd and not on July 18th as you pretend!
Please, don’t use a wrong address to send me letters in the future. My address is on Sacre Coeur not Maisonneuve.
Inventor: afif Abou-Raphael
--- On Wed, 7/21/10, RDC-BAA-DHR <RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil> wrote:

From: RDC-BAA-DHR <RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil>
Subject: RE: After you closed the phone. w: Oil Spill Follow-Up
To: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca
Received: Wednesday, July 21, 2010, 9:12 AM
Thank you for your interest in the Deepwater Horizon Response effort. 

In response to your email, we did not forward your White Paper submission to the Unified Area Command.

Again, we appreciate your interest in supporting the Deepwater Horizon Responses effort.

Contracting Officer /s/
USCG R&D Center

-----Original Message-----
From: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca [mailto:afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca]
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 10:34 AM
To: Reynolds, Patricia CTR
Subject: After you closed the phone. w: Oil Spill Follow-Up

Dear Madame Reynolds

After you closed the phone in my face this morning when you knew that you are talking to me (the Inventor AFIF ABOU-RAPHAEL).

I am writing this to you personally to tell you that it is not like this you treat somebody who helped you Americans to save your environment by providing you the right solution to stop the ongoing disaster that polluted the entire gulf area.

Why you closed the phone abruptly and that fast in my face?

Probably because I sent you prove that it is my idea that you used to kill the spill on July 15, 2010 and that was sent to you on May 15, 2010, and that comes from my patent of the 1982.

I say again that I am the father of the idea that you used.

But if you pretend that the idea does not come from me, would you please tell me from where you got it, and at the same time, I dare you showing from where it came and when.

If you will say that you have it before May 15, 2010, then the question to you will be;

If you invented this idea it means; you knew what was the purpose of it.

So, why didn’t you use it between May 15, 2010 and little before it was applied on July 15, 2010. Or even before May 15, 2010.

Here I would like to remind you what you have in the bottom of the application on which I sent you the first information how to stop the pill for ever.

Your Idea, Alternative Response Technology or Proposed Solution will be reviewed and we will inform you of any further action should we require your support. Please understand that your solution may have already been proposed by another party or attempted.

Horizon Form: Alternative Response Technology - Rev 1- May 07 2010 12:03

Then if nobody has sent you the solution that you used on July 15, 2010 before the 15th of may 2010. Thus I have the total right to have my idea recognized by you and everybody else.

Do you know Madame Reynolds that 61 days went by before you applying the solution on the polluting well? And about 71% of the spill could have been avoided if my idea was to be applied right away when you got it from me.

This letter is sent to you to realize the logic of the issue, because you are dealing with somebody who does not let anybody step on his rights, and for the records.

Hope to hear from you very soon

Inventor: Afif Abou-Raphael

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca>
To: "Reynolds, Patricia CTR" <Patricia.A.Reynolds@uscg.mil>
Sent: Mon, July 19, 2010 3:08:16 PM
Subject: Re: Oil Spill Follow-Up

Dear Mr. Sisson,

I said June 4th because I didn't know that my idea was sent to you on the 15th of May 2010, on this the following form that was sent to me by you:

Horizon Ideas / Alternative Response Technology / Proposes Solution Information Sheet

When I said to BP I thought that the following address was BP’s

Horizonsupport@oegllc.com <http://ca.mc581.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=Horizonsupport@oegllc.com

Attached are all what I sent you in one PDF document?

And to you will see that is was sent.

Yesterday when I tried to contact the same number the first time I call after having it from BP. your department answered me. Then they called me back on my cell.

Please have a look at the attached document. You will see that my idea that was used by you with respect.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael


From: "Reynolds, Patricia CTR" <Patricia.A.Reynolds@uscg.mil>
To: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca
Sent: Mon, July 19, 2010 2:50:34 PM
Subject: Oil Spill Follow-Up

Dear Mr. Abou-Raphael,

The Coast Guard did not use the technology idea you submitted on 04 June 2010 with a tracking number 2002333.

If you believe your technology was used by another party, you must contact that party for recognition.

If you have other technologies you would like to submit, including schematic drawing that explains how to reduce oil's pressure quickly, you must submit them electronically at the following link:


If you have any contractual or technical questions regarding this process, please submit them to RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil <http://ca.mc581.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=RDC-BAA-DHR@uscg.mil>

Informational questions and associated answers (FAQs) will be periodically posted at http://homeport.uscg.mil/RDC-BAA-DHR-FAQ

The Coast Guard cannot accept ideas or questions at this address.

Thank You,
M. J. Sisson, Captain, USCG
Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Research and Development Center

هذا الايميل الذي ارسلته الى مستشار الرئيس اوباما بعد ان عزمني ان اكون معه على الانترنيت.
وطلبت منه ان يسأل الرئيس اوباما لماذا لم احصل بعد على جواب منه وخاصة على كذب وتلفيق خفر السواحل.
Mon, October 25, 2010 3:05:39 PM
From: Inventor Afif Abou-Raphael. Re: My Turn to Answer Your Questions
Afif Abou-Raphael <afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca> 
View Contact
"David Axelrod, The White House" <info@messages.whitehouse.gov>

Dear Mr. Axelrod

I am happy to receive your invitation

At the same time I would like to tell you that I myself have many inventions in clean and renewable energy production, using only the perpetual water's buoyant force and volume of naturally compressed air that is ready to be applied right away ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD where waterways exist even from rain water, at a small or a big scale,

and a new invention that can produce clean and renewable energy artificially using the same TECHNOLOGY, but compressed air is produced artificially in my modular hydraulic compressor.
This invention is ready to be studied by building a prototype right away.

Moreover, in the energy domain, I would like to tell you that BP had used my idea that I sent it to them through the US Coast Guard since May 15, 2010. This idea was taken of my invention of the 1982 that is called:

Here, Mr. Axelrod, and as you can have a personal discussion with Mr. President Obama, I would like you to ask him: Why didn’t I receive an answer on my question to him since a few months:
The USCG are fabricating lies to deny my right to having a little note of thank you to helping the USA to stopping the spill that is well documented in official e-mails, drawings, know how and more that copies were sent to the President a few months ago on the following address:
President Barack Obama president@messages.whitehouse.gov

Here I am putting an address that has some of the information in comments on the following article: Mystery plumber designed cap for Gulf blowout well

Mr. Axelrod, my aim is to hekp the USA with my invention not making troubles, but with a littlke note of thank you that can be helpful in my CV.

Best regards
Afif Abou-Raphael

From: "David Axelrod, The White House" <info@messages.whitehouse.gov>
To: afifabouraphael@yahoo.ca
Sent: Mon, October 25, 2010 2:19:48 PM
Subject: My Turn to Answer Your Questions

The White House, Washington

Good afternoon,
As a Senior Advisor to the President, I spend a lot of time talking to President Obama about the issues that affect all Americans.

But tomorrow I want to try something a little different. I’m hosting a live chat with Americans from around the country to answer questions about the economy, health care, energy, education or really whatever is on your mind.

Can you join me at 1 p.m. EDT?

I’ve been in the White House with President Obama from Day One, and I know how important it is to the President to understand the concerns of the American people.  That’s why he travels around the country meeting with families and small businesses and reads ten of your letters every day. And it’s why we do regular online discussions like Tuesday Talks and Open for Questions.

Over the past few weeks, Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, and Elizabeth Warren, who is leading the effort to get the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau off the ground, have taken some time to answer your questions.  Now it’s my turn.

So, I hope you’ll join me tomorrow, and I’ll do my best to answer as many of your questions as I can.

I’m looking forward to talking to you.


David Axelrod
Senior Advisor to the President

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